Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/344

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'The Rabbit on the Wall,' 'The Letter of Introduction,' ' The Death of Tippoo Saib,' 'The Village School.' After the peace of 1813, Burnet took the opportunity to visit Paris ; and for five months was a constant visitor to the Louvre, copying and studying from the magniiicent collection that had been brought from all parts of Europe to that gallery. Shortly afterwards he engraved several plates for Foster's ' British Gallery ; ' of these ' The Letter Writer,' after Metsu, and ' The Salutation of the Virgin,' after Rembrandt, are considered the best. He then joined the Associated Engravers, and produced the well-known plates of 'The Jew,' ' The Nativity,' and ' The Crucifixion,' after Rembrandt, Burnet occasionally practised painting, and with a success which would have warranted him in devoting himself entirely to this branch of art, had his destiny not been already set in another path. His principal work was ' Greenwich Hos- pital and Naval Heroes,' painted for the Duke of Wellington, and intended as a companion picture to Wilkie's ' Chelsea Pensioners ' and which he had engraved. The Sheepshanks Collection contains two of hia works, ' Cows Drinking,' painted on panel in 1817, and the ' Fish Market in Hastings.' His other best known paintings were ' The Draught Players' in 1808, 'The Humorous Ballad' in 1818, 'The Valentine' in 1820. Burnet svill long be remembered as a writer on art. His work. 'A Practical Treatise on Painting,' published in 1827, brought him much fame, and was followed b}' 'An Essay on the Education of the Eye,' 1837 ; ' Practical Hints on Light and Shade,' 1838 ; ' On Colour in Painting' in 1843 ; ' Rembrandt and his Works ' in 1849 ; ' Turner and his Works ' in 1852 ; as well as other essays of minor importance. In 1860 he received a pension from the Civil List, and retired to Stoke Newington, where he passed in narrow means the few remaining years of his life. He died in April, 1868, aged 84.

BURNEY, Edward Francis, a relation of the celebrated musician Dr. Bumey, was bom at Wor- cester in 1760. He entered the Academy school at an early age, and gained the friendship of Sir Joshua Reynolds. He exhibited in 1780 three drawings illustrating ' Evelina,' and afterwards a few portraits. He is best known by his book illustrations (of which an example is in the South Kensington Museum), and by a^portrait of Fanny Bumey (aftenvards Madame d'Arblay), which was engraved as a frontispiece to her works. He died in London in 1848.

BURNFORD, — , an obscure English engraver, was employed in engraving portraits, frontis- pieces, and other book plates for the publishers. Among his portraits is that of William Salmon, M.D., prefixed to his 'Synopsis Medicinse.'

BUiiNITZ, Carl Peter, landscape painter, was born at Frankfort-on-the-Main in 1824. He was brought up to the profession of an advocate, and in 1847 took his doctor's degree at Heidelberg, but he meantime diligently studied art without a teacher. After travels in Spain and Algiers, he lived for ten years in Paris, where he devoted him- self entirely to painting, and received valuable help from Duprd, Corot, and Theodore Rousseau. He first exhibited at the Salon in 1865, a landscape which was bought by the Emperor. He died in 1866.

BURON, ViRGiLE, a French historical painter, worked at Fontainebleau under the direction of Primaticcio and Maitre Roux in 1528. He was distinguished also as a painter of ornaments.

BURTON, Sir Frederick William, Knight, though well and favourably known as a painter, for the most part in water-colours^, to connoisseurs and critics of art, will be more widely and generally remembered for his services to the British nation in the post of Director of the National Gallery, a position to which he was appointed in 1874, as successor to Mr. Boxall, R.A., and continued to occupy for twenty years, at the end of which he retired, having considerably exceeded the age limit prescribed by the Civil Servic-j regulations. Hia intimate knowledge of the works of the old masters and his unerring judgment of their methods and manners were the outcome of long and careful study of their works in the various Galleries of Europe, a study begun in 1851, when he paid a first visit to Germany and Bavaria, and carried on during many later journeys in the following years. The third son of Samuel Burton, Esq., of Mungret in the County of Limerick, Ireland, he was born in that country in 1816. He was sent to school in Dublin, and there also, his artistic bent having revealed it- self at any early age, he was put under the tuition of Mr. Brocas, a capable and sympathetic teacher who prophesied a distinguished future for his pupil. This was so far fulfilled that he was elected an Associate of the Royal Hibernian Academy when he was only twenty-one, and an Academician two years later. His first work was exhibited at the Royal Academy of London in 1842 ; in 1855 he was elected an Associate, and in 1856 a full member of the Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours, but he resigned in 1870 in protest against the ill-treatment, as he considered, of his young fellow- painter Burne-Jones ; in 1888, however, he was re-elected as an honorary member, together with the artist whose cause he had championed. He received the honour of knighthood in 1884, and the lionorarj' degree of LL.D. from the University of Dublin in 1889, and died at Kensington on March 16, 1900. His paintings, though never attaining greatness, were always sincere in purpose and executed with a minute precision, due, to some extent, to the influence of the English Pre-Raphaelite school. M. B.

BURTON, W. P., eon of Capt. Wm. Paton Burton, an officer in the Indian army, and nephew of Dr. John Hill Burton, was born at Madras in 1828. He was educated in Edinburgh, and entered the ofiSce of David Bryce of that city, intending to become an architect, but eventually devoted him- self to landscape painting in water-colours. He travelled much on the Continent and in Egypt, and produced many drawings of French river scenery, and of old buildings in Holland and Egypt, besides numerous studies of Surrey and Sussex landscape. He died at Aberdeen on the 31st of December, 1883.

BUS, CoRNELis VAN. See BoscH.

BUSATI, Andrea, an unimportant follower of the Bellini, is the author of a signed ' St. Mark enthroned between SS. Francis and Andrew,' painted about 1510, and now in tlie Venice Academy. A figure of a Saint in the Vicenza Gallery is also ascribed to him.

BDSC, — , an amateur engraver, is reported by Basan to have etched several plates, among which were twenty-eight after Rembrandt, and twenty of heads, &c.

BUSCA, Antonio, was born at Milan in 1625,