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century. He was employed by the Kings Henry II., Francis II., and Charles IX., and as early as 1558 held the office of painter in ordinary to the king. In 1560 he painted the portrait of Thony, the favourite fool of Francis U., and in 1672 his name appears for the last time in the accounts of the royal household.

BOUTELOUP, LoDis Alexandee, a French line- engraver who also worked in mezzotint, was bom in Paris in 1761. Among other works he engraved the portraits of Caroline of Austria, Queen of Naples, after a drawing by himself, and of Car- dinal de Richelieu, from a terra-cotta bust by De- seine. The date of his death is not recorded.

BOUTERWECK, Feiedrich, (or Boterweck,) was born at Tamowitz, in Silesia, about the year 1800. He was trained in the school of Kolbe at Berlin, and afterwards pursued his studies under Delaroche in Paris, where he three times carried off the gold medal. In 1834 he made a tour in Italy, and later in Spain, Scotland, and the Bast. After a while he removed from Berlin to Paris, where he lived for twenty-five years. In the course of his life he obtained twenty-three medals and numerous orders. He died in Paris in 1867. The following are among his best works :

Orestes pursued by the Furies. 1833. Eomeo taking leave of Juliet. 1836. Isaac and Eebekah. 1840. Episode from Gamacho's Wedding. Jacob and Eachel. 1844. Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch. 1843.

BOUTON, Charles Marie, who was born in Paris in 1781, was a pupil of David. He was jointly with Daguerre the inventor of the Diorama. He was highly successful in representations of perspective and atmospheric effects, and in the distribution of light, and was therefore to be looked upon rather as a painter of decorations than of pictures in the ordinary sense. Amongst his productions of the latter class, there were some specimens in the Lusembourg, and in some of the royal palaces. In 1810 Bouton obtained a gold medal ; and in 1819 the great gold medal for his picture of ' St. Louis at the Tomb of his Mother,' a medal equiva- lent to the great prize, which Horace Vernet only carried off against him by one vote. He died in Paris in 1853.

BOUTS, Albert, the son of Dirk Bouts, was a Brabant painter, who died at an advanced age in 1549. He is mentioned by Molanus in his manuscript ' History of Lou vain ' as having painted an 'Assumption of the Virgin' in the church of St. Peter, at Louvain. The picture is not now to be found.

BOUTS, Dirk, Theodoricus, Latin, Thierry, French, called also by error Stuerbout, and by Bome writers Thierry de Haarlem, was the son of a landscape painter of Haarlem of the same name as his son. He settled in Louvain before 1448, and was employed on various important works for the municipality. In 1468 he is men- tioned in the town records as portratuerdere or municipal painter ex officio, liis dues being merely "90 plecJcen for a coat." About the same date he finished two large pictures which he had been commissioned to paint for the Council Chamber in the Hotel de Ville at Louvain. These paintings, now in the Brussels Gallery, illustrate a legend in the chronicle of Godfrey of Viterbo, which sets forth the virtue of justice as exemplified in a judgment of the Emperor Otho III. They are striking and powerful works with life-size figures, painted perhaps with more attention to detail of costume than to grace of form, but forcible in colour and thorough in execution. In these latter qualities indeed they strongly resemble Roger De La Pasture of Tournai, better known by the Flemish equivalent Van der Weyden. For his paintiugs in the Council Chamber Bouts re- ceived the sum of 230 crowns, and was also commissioned in May 1468 to paint a large painting of the ' Last Judgment,' finished by him in 1472. Another large picture was undertaken by him about the same time, but he did not live to finish it, his heirs being paid after his death for wliat he had done on it according to a valu- ation made by Hugo Van der Goes. Other works of this painter are :

A Triptych of the Martyrdom of St. Erasmus, in the Church of St. Peter at Louvain. About 1463. A large and fine Triptych of the Last Supper, in the same church, the .shutters of which, representing Abraham and Melchizedech, and the Gathering of the Manna, are at Munich, and the wings, which depict the Eating of the Passover, and the Angel bringing the food to Elias, at Berlin. This work occupied the painter three years and ten months, and he was paid for it the sum of 200 Rhenish florins. There are a few other works by him in foreign galleries, and many which are now proved to be by him were for a long time attributed to Memlinc. Bouts was born in 1400, and he died on May 6, 1475. By his will, which was made on April 17, 1475, he divided his estate between his two sons, his two daughters, who were nuns in the Convent of Dommelen, and Elizabeth van Vosshem his second wife, widow of John van Thienan, burgomaster of Louvain. A family of painters of the name of Stuerbout appears to have settled in Louvain in the early part of the 15th century. Hubert Stuerbout tlie painter and his sons Hubert, Gieles, and Frissen, are mentioned in several records of { ayments made between 1439 and 1467, but it does not appear that this Hubert was any relation to Dirk Bouts. See Crowe and Cavalcaselle, 'Early Flemish Painters,' 2nd edit. 1872 ; Molanus, ' Historiae Lovaniensium,' a work in manuscript, and 'Journal des Beaux Arts,' 1867, pp. Ill and 112; also Ed. van Even, 'L'ancienne 6cole des peintres de Louvain,' 1870. W. H. J. W.

BOUTS, Dirk, a landscape painter, mentioned in the manuscript of Molanus, 'Historias Lovani- ensium,' as having been the father of two sons, Dirk and Albert Bouts, and as having died early in the 15th century.

BOUTS, Hubert, called a painter of Louvain. This is Hubert Stuerbout who is mentioned in the preceding article.

BOUTTATS, Pieter Balthazar, a Flemish engraver, was born at Antwerp in 1666, and be- came dean of the Guild of St. Luke. He died in 1731.

BOUTTATS, Frederik, an engraver, was born at Antwerp about the year 1620. He engraved several plates after his own designs, principally portraits, and some after other masters. They are worked with the graver, in a neat style, and are not with- out merit. We have by him, among others, the following :

Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy. Charles Gaspar, Elector of Treves.