Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/287

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Petersburg. Hermilage. The Massacre of the Innocents. „ „ The Holy Family ; within a gar- laud of flowers by Jean Bap- tiste Monnoyer. „ „ The Death of Dido. „ „ A Landscape. Toulouse. Museum. The Martyrdom of St. Andrew. Turin. Gallery. The Massacre of the Innocents. Versailles. Palace. Portrait of Himself. „ y, Portrait of his Father, Marin Bourdon. K. E. G.

BOURGEOIS, Floeent Fid^ile Constant, a French landscape painter, engraver, and litho- grapher, was born in Paris in 1767. He studied under David, but spent much of his time in Italy. Landon mentions him as an artist distinguished for tlie riclmess of liis compositions and the purity of his style, and describes three of his pictures as being in the manner of Gaspard Poussin. His death did not take place earlier than 1836.

BOURGEOIS, Sir Peter Francis, was descended from a family of some importance in Switzerland. His father went to reside in London, where Francis was born in 1756. His early destination was for the army, and Lord Heathfield oilered to procure him a commission ; but he had received instruction in the rudiments of art from a painter of horses, and though he was a constant attendant at military evolutions and reviews, it was rather for the purpose of representing the manoeuvres with his pencil than of acquiring a knowledge of military tactics. Some of his juvenile attempts having been shown to Reynolds and Gainsborough, those distinguished artists encouraged him to persevere in the cultivation of art. He was accordingly placed under the instruction of Loutherbourg for a sufficient time to acquire a correct knowledge of the true principles of painting, after which he resolved to prosecute his studies in the great school of nature, and in contemplating the works of the most eminent masters. He had scarcely reached the nineteenth year of his age when he had acquired considerable reputation as a painter of landscapes, battles, and sea-pieces, which were considered as uncommon productions for so young an artist, and as certain indications of future excellence. In 1776 Bourgeois set out on a tour through the Netherlands, France, and Italy, and studied with indefatigable assiduity the works of the most cele- brated masters of the different schools. When he returned from the Continent, he continued the exercise of his talents with increased ardour and reputation, and his exhibitions in the Royal Academy added considerably to the number of his admirers.

When the Prince Primate, brother to the unfor- tunate Stanislaus Augustus, King of Poland, visited this country, he was particularly pleased with the works of Bourgeois, and made him the most flattering offers to induce him to return with him to Poland, which were gratefully acknowledged, though they were politely declined. In 1791, how- ever,he was appointed painter to the Kingof Poland, who also conferred on him the honour of a Knight of the Order of Merit, on which occasion he was introduced at our Court, and the King was pleased to confirm the title. Sir Francis was elected an As-iociate in 1787, and a Royal Academician in 17'J.3, and in 179-1 was appointed landscape painter to George III.

Sir Francis Bourgeois was the intimate friend of Desenfans, a celebrated picture-dealer, and de- voted a great part of his time to ar^sisting that gentleman with his judgment in the formation of an extensive collection of pictures (many of which were originally intended for the National Gallery at Warsaw), which, vith a considerable property, were left to him at the death of Desenfans in 1804. He did not survive the liberality of his friend many years. The valuable assemblage of paint- ings which he inherited, containing good examples of Rembrandt, Cuyp, Wouwerman, Murillo, Poussin, and other masters, he bequeathed to Dulwich Col- lege, together with £2000 to build a gallery to receive them, and £10,000 to provide for its main- tenance. Sir Francis died in consequence of a fall from his horse in 1811, and was buried in the chapel of Dulwich College. The number of his pictures is considerable, and they were greatly esteemed in his lifetime. There are eighteen of them in the gallery of Dulwich College, among which are :

Landscape and Cattle. A Friar kueeling before a Cross. View on the Sea-shore. Landscape, with Cattle and Figures, Religion in the Desert. Tobit and the Angel. Portrait of Sir Peter Francis Bourgeois.

BOURGUIGNON, Le. SeeConBTOls,GniLLAnME, and Jacques ; also Perrier, Francois.

BOURGUIGNON-GRAVELOT, Hubert Fran- cois, who was born in Paris in 1699, and died there in 1773, executed drawings for subjects of bijou- terie as well as designs for illustrations of Racine, Voltaire, and Marmontel.

BOURNE, James, a water-colour landscape painter, worked in London in the early part of the nineteenth century. He exhibited at the Royal Academy as late as 1809, but was living some time afterwards. Four views by him are in the South Kensington Museum.

BOURSSE, Esaias, a Dutch painter of domestic interiors, was bom at Amsterdam about 1630. He was working in his native city from about 1656 to 1672. He visited Italy, and made several voyages to the East Indies in the service of the Dutch East India Company. His works are rare, and but little known. The Rijks Museum at Amsterdam has an 'Interior with a Woman spinning'; the Suermondt Museum at Aix-la-Chapelle has an example ; and Sir Richard Wallace an ' Interior, with a Woman sitting by a Child in a Cradle.'

BOUSONNET. See Bouzonnet.

BOUT, PiETER, who was born at Brussels in 1668, painted chiefly in conjunction with Boude- wyns (see notice of that painter), whose land- scapes he ornamented with figures, representing assemblies, merry-makings, and such like subjects. He did a like service for Van Artois, as for instance in a picture of 'Winter' in the Brussels Gallery, and a Landscape in the La Gaze Collection in the Louvre. He occasionally painted pictures entirely his own composition. His death took place at Brussels not earlier than 1731. He has etched a few plates in a slight painter-like manner, as follow :

Four 'Winter Scenes, with Skaters, and a variety of figures. Two, a Landscape, with a Statue of Neptune, and a View of the Sea-straud in 'Wiuter, with a Fish- market. Two, the Bride conducted to Church, aud a Country Market

BOUTELOUP, Gdillaume, a French painter, fi-'urished at Blois in the middle of the 16th