Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/174

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The Bath : many women and children bathing (round). Military Ute in honour of Charles V. at Munich. Very large. The Patriarchs with their wives and children ; ten prints. Fourteen Caesars, busts, on three sheets. An immense series of the costumes of monks. A Village Fair, with a steeple and a clock ; large friese ; very scarce. A March of Soldiers ; large friese, in four sheets ; very scarce. Another, same size ; full of figures. Biblicse Historije — Comprising three hundred and forty-eight prints, of which the greater part have figures on both sides. For a full account of hie works Bee Bartech, torn, viii. Also Adolf Rosenberg. Sebald and Barthel Beliam, Leipsic, 1876. :. jj. g.

BEICH, Joachim Franz, was bom at Ravensburg, Wurtemberg, in 1666. He was the son of Willielm Beich, a painter of little celebrity, from whom he received his instruction in the art. He excelled in painting landscapes and battles. His best works are in the palaces of the Elector of Bavaria, in whose employment he was for several years ; among these are several large pictures of the battles fought in Hungary by the Elector Maximilian Emmanuel. With the permission of his patron, he visited Italy, and made many drawings from the beautiful views in that country. His landscapes exhibit very pleasing scenery, and he appears to have imitated, in the arrangement of his pictures, the tasteful style of Gaspar Poussin. He died at Munich, in 1748. The Vienna Gallery has two landscapes by him, and the Munich Gallery has four. The latter gallery also possesses his portrait by Des Maries — " painted in 1744, when he was 78 years old." As an engraver, he has contributed several charming etchings to the port- folios of collectors. We have by him four sets of landscapes, with figures and buildings (amounting together to twenty-six plates), etched with great spirit and facility.

BEIJER, J. DE. See De Beijer.

BEIJEKEN, Abraham van, a painter of still-life, flourished at the Hague from about 1650 to 1670. His favourite subjects are fish, but he also adorns his pictures with flowers and fruit, and gold and silver vessels. The Galleries of Berlin, Dresden, the Hague, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam have each a work of this nature, each signed A. V. B. He is by some called Albert van Beijeren ; but this is asserted by Kramm to be an error.

BEIN, Jean, a French engraver, born at Strasburg in 1789, was a pupil of David and of Reg- nault, and entered the 6cole des Beaux-Arts in 1812. He engraved the Niccolini Madonna after Raphael, the original of which is in the collection of Earl Cowper at Panshanger, ' The Marriage of the Virgin,' after Vanloo, for the Musee Royal, and plates for the Coronation of Charles X., and Gavard's Galeriesde Versailles. Bein died in Paris in 1857.

BEINASCHI. See Benaschi.

BEISSON, Francois Joseph Etienne, a French engraver, born at Aix, was a scholar of Wille. He engraved several subjects after the Italian masters for the Galerie du Musde, and 'Susannah at the Bath,' after Santerre. He died in Paris in 1820.

BEITLER, Matthias. See Beytler.

BELBRULE, T., a French engraver on wood, flourished about the year 1580. Papillon mentions some cuts of ornamental flowers very delicately executed by him.

BELIN DE FONT'EXAY, Jean Baptiste (mis- called Blain de Fontenat), a French artist, bom at Caen in 1654, was the son of a painter named Louis Belin, and a pupil of Monnoyer, better known as Baptiste, whose daughter he married in 1687, in which year he was received into the Academy. He painted flowers and fruit in the manner of his master. He had a delicate pencil and a good eye for colour; he painted insects with great exactness, and finished all his pictures carefully. He was employed by Louis XIV. — who gave him lodgings in the Louvre and a pension of 400 livres — at Fontainebleau, Versailles, and at the Gobelins. Belin de Fontenay died in Paris in 1715. Two flower-pieces by him are in the Louvre. His son, Jean Baptiste Belin de Fontenay, who was bom in Paris in 1688, and died there in 1730, also painted flowers with much success.

BELJAMBE, Pierre Guillaume Alexandre, a French engraver, was born at Koucn in 1769, and died about 1820. He engraved some plates of fancy subjects, from the contemporary painters of his country, and a few prints for the collection of the Palais Royal ; among others the following: Portrait of Pilatre de Hosier. Portrait of Jean Sylvain BaiUy, Mayor of Paris; after C. Monet. Cupid reposing on the breast of Psyche; after J. B. liegnault. La petite Jeannette ; after J. B. Greuze. The Circumcision ; after Gio. Bellini ; for the Orleans Collection. The Adoration of the Magi ; after Carlo Cagliari ; for the same. The Holy Family ; after Michelangelo ; for the same.

BELKAMP, Jan van, a Dutch artist, who passed the greater part of his artistic life in England, where he was much employed in copying the pic- tures in the Royal Collection, and died in 1653. Some are still in the Royal Collection ; and at Drayton there were formerly portraits of Henry VII. and Henry VIII., copied from a large picture by Holbein, which was burnt at Whitehall.

BELL, Lady, the sister of William Hamilton, R.A., received instruction from her brother and from Sir Joshua Reynolds. She delighted in copy- ing the pictures of the latter, and was happy in her transcripts. She also copied pictures by Rubens in Carlton House, among which was a ' Holy Family ' which was much praised. She married Sir Thomas Bell, Sheriff of London, whose portrait she painted, and died in 1825.

BELL, Robert Charles, an engraver, was born at Edinburgh in 1806. He was a pupil of John Bengho, and at the same time attended the classes at the Trustees' Academy, Edinburgh, then under Sir William Allan, R.A., P.R.S.A. Among several pictures for the Royal Scottish Association, he engraved 'The Widow,' after Sir W. Allan, and 'The Expected Penny,' after A. Eraser ; he also executed a number of engravings after Mulready, Wilkie, Leslie, Faed, and other well-known artists, for the ' Art Journal.' His last work was a large plate after Sir W. Allan's picture, 'The Battle of Preston Pans,' which he completed only a short time before his death. In his earlier days he executed a considerable number of vignette portraits, of which those of Professor Wilson and Dr. L. Brunton were among the best. He died in his native city in 1872.

BELL, William, who was born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, about 1740, came to London about the year 1768, and was among the first who entered