Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/173

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19. Cupid partially clothed, riding on a dolphin. 20. „ ., » .. a globe, over a landscape. 21. Flora. 22. A Nereid riding on a Triton, towards the left. £3. ., ., „ „ towards the right. 24. Fight of water-gods. 25. A Sibyl with book ; before her a child with a torch ; after Raphael. 26. The Judgment of Paris. 27. The Rape of Helen ; a compo. of thirteen figures. 28. Lucretia. 29. 30. Also Lucretia. 31. Cimon nourished by his daughter. 32. Cleopatra with the snake at her breast. 33. Fight of naked men ; thirty-four figures ; on a label " Titus Gracchus." 34. „ „ „ eighteen figures. 35. „ „ „ twenty -two figures. These three prints are in the form of frieses. They are the master-work of Barthel Beham, and may be considered the most excellent works in point of drawing of the early German school. AIXEUOEIES, &c. 36. A naked woman sitting on a shirt of mail. (Valour?) 37. A sitting female figure ; inscribed, ' Cognitio Dei.' 38. 39, 40. A child sleeping, with one, three, and four death's heads. ' Mors Omnia .iquat ' on the last. 41. A naked woman sitting on the ground, looking at a dead child. A naked niau standing on the left; very curious. A long iuscription from Eccles. 42. Woman with hands and feet tied, with a child ; inscribed ' Der Welt Lauf .' 43. Death surprising a woman on a bed.

Thirteen other allegoric miniatures, or of subjects taken from actual life, peasants or soldiers. Also tliirty-one representing genii, ornaments, and heraldic matters. Al- together, with the portraits, ninety-two copper engravings. No woodcuts. W. B. S-

BEHAM, Hans Sebald, a distinguished German engraver, was bom at Nuremberg in 1500. He was the elder brother of Barthel Beham, and is also classed by the collectors among what tliej' denominate the Little Masters on account of their prints being generally small. Hans Sebald Beham engraved on copper, drew on wood, and some few etchings have been attributed to him. He possessed considerable genius, and a ready invention. His drawing of the figure is generally correct, and the airs of his heads and turn of his figures, though rather clumsy, have great style. His cop- per-plates are executed entirely with the graver, in a wonderfully neat and delicate manner ; and his woodcuts are remarkably free and spirited. In the early part of his life, he lived at Nuremberg, during which time he marked his plates with a cipher, composed of the three letters, H. S- P-, and dated from 1519 to 1530. He was expelled for heresy, and afterwards resided at Frankfort, when he changed his mark to a cipher T/-yT-» composed of ff. S- B., and dated from I V j -< 1531 to 1549. He died in 1550, at Frank- J-ML/ fort. Examples of his works as a painter are very scarce. In the Louvre, Paris, there is a table with four scenes from the Life of David, and there are live miniatures by him in the prayer-book of the Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, in the Library of AschafEenburg. His works on copper are very nimierous ; the following list is as detailed as the necessary limit of this work will permit :


Engraved at Nuremberg, and dated from 1510 to 1530. Adam and Eve in several designs ; five small plates. 1519. St. Jerome, with a Cardinal's Hat and the Lion. 1519. The Virgin suckling the Infant Jesus. 1520. The Virgin, with a Glory, standing, holding the Infant Jesus. 1520. Six of the Virgin in all. The Death of Dido ; Regime DiJonis imago. 1520. St. Anthony, Hermit, writing. 1521. St. Sebald seated between two trunks of trees, and holding in his right hand the model of a church. 1521. Two Peasants playing on the flute and bagpipe ; very small. Two Peasants, Man and Woman, dancing. 1522 ; very email. A Triton carrying a Nereid on his shoulders. 1523; very smaU. A Woman sitting on a Lion. 1524. A Young Man and Woman embracing. 1526. The Death of Cleopatra. 1529. Combat of the Greeks and Trojans ; very small, friese. Combat of Achilles and Hector ; same. Judith with the head of Holofemes ; her maid beside her.


Engraved at Frantcfort, and dated from 1531 to 1549. Adam and Eve, behind them a stag. 1536. Adam and Eve in Paradise, with the Serpent presenting the apple. 1543 ; very fine. The Emperor Trajan, with his army, listening to the complaint of a woman against his son. 1537. Melancholy ; inscribed Melencolia. 1539 ; in emulation of Albrecht I'urer, Patience ; inscribed Patieniia ; on a tablet is written, Sebaldus Beham Xorims faciebat. 1540. Fortuna ; a woman holding a palm and a wheel. 1541. Infortunium ; a woman stopped by an evil genius with a lobster. 1541. A Young Woman, with a buffoon, presenting fruit ; an etching. 1540. Four very small plates of the Four Evangelists, with wings. 1541. Twelve small plates of the Labours of Hercules ; in- scribed Jimmntp Herculis ; dated from 1542 to 1548. An Ensign and a Drummer. 1544. The lioman Charity, with a German inscription. 1544 ; fine. The Arms of Beham. 1544. Bust of Domitia Cahilla, with the Emperor Trajan ; after Antique Medals. 1546. The Twelve Months of the Year, each represented by a Man and Woman dancing ; two Months on one plate ; six small plates. 1545. Added to these are four Village Merry-makings, and many peasant subjects ; very small. The twelve Apostles. Very small set of twelve. Days of the week with their planets. Eight pieces. The Liberal Arts. Set of seven allegorical figures. Two couples making love and a buffoon. Very small, little more than two inches long. This is said by Eartsch, No. 212, to be one of his most beautiful miniature engravings. The two shields of arms, one with a cock, the other an eagle, are also among his finest in execution. The Judgment of Paris ; Judicium Paridis. 1546 ; fine. Death walking with a lady ; inscribed Chnnem in homine, &c. 1547 ; fine. A Man trying to pull up a tree ; inscribed Impossibile 1549. The Virgin holding the Infant Jesus in her amis, with a parrot and an apple ; .S'. Maria. 1549. This and a good many others he copied from his brother Barthel, the sale for whose works must have been enormous.


IMixch are sometimes marVed tcith the one and sometimes trith the other of his tco ciphers. These are of all sizeSf from iico inches to four feet long, four or more sheets being jmt together. Public controversy between Luther and a Boman theologian: many people listening. The Fountain of Youth ; a superb composition of great length ; one of his finest inventions.

The Cavalier and nine wives.