Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/133

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Scott—Tomorrow mornin’. I didn’t know if you’d want to ship away agen so quick an’ I told him so. ‘Tell him I’ll hold the berth open for him until late this afternoon,’ he says. So I said I’d tell you an’ I catches the first car back to town. So there you be, an’ you can make your own choice.

Andrew—I’d like to take it. There may not be another ship for Buenos Aires with a vacancy in months. [His eyes roving from Robert to Ruth and back again—uncertainly.] Still—damn it all—tomorrow morning is soon. I wish she wasn’t leaving for a week or so. That’d give me a chance—it seems hard to go right away again when I’ve just got home. And yet it’s a chance in a thousand——— [Appealing to Robert.] What do you think, Rob? What would you do?

Robert—[Forcing a smile.] He who hesitates, you know. [Frowning.] It’s a piece of good luck thrown in your way—and—from what you’ve told me of your plans—I think you owe it to yourself to jump at it. But don’t ask me to decide for you.

Ruth—[Turning to look at Andrewin a tone of fierce resentment.] Yes go, Andy! [She turns quickly away again. There is a moment of embarrassed silence.]

Andrew—[Thoughtfully.] Yes, I guess I will. It’ll be the best thing for all of us in the end, don’t you think so, Rob? [Robert nods but remains silent.]