Page:Beyond the Horizon (1920).djvu/132

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has moved so her hack is toward them, her chin resting on her hands as she stares out seaward.]

Mary—Mama! Mama! [Robert puts her down and she runs to her mother. Ruth turns and grabs her up in her arms with a sudden fierce tenderness, quickly turning away again from the others. During the following scene she keeps Mary in her arms.]

Scott—[Wheezily.] Phew! I got great news for you, Andy. Let me get my wind first. Phew! God A’mighty, mountin’ this damned hill is worser’n goin’ aloft to the skys’l yard in a blow. I got to lay to a while. [He sits down on the grass, mopping his face.]

Andrew—I didn’t look for you this soon, Uncle.

Scott—I didn’t figger it, neither; but I run across a bit o’ news down to the Seamen’s Home made me ’bout ship and set all sail back here to find you.

Andrew—[Eagerly.] What is it, Uncle?

Scott—Passin’ by the Home I thought I’d drop in an’ let ’em know I’d be lackin’ a mate next trip count o’ your leavin’. Their man in charge o’ the shippin’ asked after you ’special curious. ‘Do you think he’d consider a berth as Second on a steamer, Captain?’ he asks. I was goin’ to say no when I thinks o’ you wantin’ to get back down south to the Plate agen; so I asks him: ‘What is she and where’s she bound?’ ‘She’s the El Paso, a brand new tramp,’ he says, ‘and she’s bound for Buenos Aires.’

Andrew—[His eyes lighting up—excitedly.] Gosh, that is luck! When does she sail?