Page:Bedřich Smetana, The bartered bride, Die verkaufte braut.pdf/43

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Blessed the one who loves and trusts!
No doubt disturbs this love.
Soon will return, my bartered bride,
What you have lost before!

That Micha's son loves you, dear,
As no one else on earth,
And for your thanks and true reward,
But him can you now win!


A flatterer and hypocrite
Is making now his master-piece!


He is a second Salomo!


Or a gallows bird!
And now we'll call the parents here,
And all the other witnesses!
And nothing more's in the way.
There's perfect happiness!

(He goes.)

Marie (resigned).

I have no other wishes now,
And will bend to the yoke,
My mind is sad, my heart is dull,
What's left to me but silence?


The old ones, they make me rejoice!
The witnesses are welcome,
And were an army to come here,
What's mine remains my own!

(to Marie.)

Micha's son will be your husband!


Get out! I can't look at you!


(Agnes, Kathinka, Kruschina, Micha, Kezal. Chorus and Former.)


Gladly we come, quickly we come!
Marie, oh why soe pale?

Maire (aside).

The treachery will I avenge!
No more will he now mock me!
And what he sneering asked from me,
I'll do now just to catch him!

(aloud, with force.)

I'll gladly do what you desire!


Long live the bridal pair!
Marie will get a master!
The wedding day's not far away!

Hans (stepping up).

Yes, it will all go merrily
For ne'er such a pair did they see!

Agnes and Micha.

What do I see? Why, it's Hans!


Yes, father and mother, here am I,
Healthy and strong as you can see!
I've come back from far distant land,
To found here a new home!


Oh! Shall I believe or not,
What this shuffler says?
Micha, your son? Can he be?
Why, he died long ago?


My parents recognize me!
And though not all esteem me here,

(looking at Kezal and his stepmother.)

The best is: I am still alive!