Page:American Diplomacy in the Orient - Foster (1903).djvu/502

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Borneo, Balestier negotiates treaty with sultan of, 142.

Bowring, Sir John, British governor of Hongkong, 215; course pursued by, in relation to Lorcha Arrow, 223; linguist and hymnologist, 223.

Boxers, outbreak of, in China, 408; meaning of name, I Ho Tuan or, 408; origin of, 409; cause of uprising of, 409; missions, not chief cause of uprising of, in China, 412; most potent cause of uprising of, political, 414; proclamation of empress dowager favorable to, 416; progress of uprising of, 417; attack railroad stations, 419; aimed to drive out foreigners and not Christians particularly, 421; Chinese government sympathizes with, and gives aid to, 421; question of punishment of leaders of, in peace negotiations, 428.

Bridgman, Rev. E. C., American missionary and editor of Chinese Repository, 3; secretary of Cushing embassy, 79.

British East India Company, see East India Company.

Burke, Edmund, on American whale fishery, 102.

Burlingame, Anson, career of, 257; appointed American minister to China, 258; arrives in China, 258; secures adoption of "a policy of coöperation," 258; appointed Chinese envoy to Western powers, 203; character and conduct of, as Chinese envoy, 264; death of, 264; Blaine's opinion of, 267.

Burlingame embassy, constitution of, 263; reception of, in United States and Europe, 264; object of, 265; result of, treaty of 1868 with United States, 265.

California. Chinese laborers arrive in, 282; influence of development of, on Hawaiian industries, 365, 368, 370; opposition in, to Chinese immigration, 285.

Canton, attacked by Capt. Weddel (1635), 5; Chinese ports closed except, 7; foreign women excluded from, 19; Krusenstern's attempt to trade at, 21; only port open to British trade, 24; first American vessel arrives at, 27; Shaw, first American consul at, 32; conduct of trade at, 33; exchange of prisoners by United States and Great Britain at, 39; foreign factories at, 41; embarassments of trade at, 43; treatment of Roberts's embassy at, 47; conditions of trade at, 56; Lord Napier at, 57; English trade stopped at, 62; British troops stationed in factories at, 62; Napier withdraws from, 62; execution of Chinese opium dealer at, 67; factories at, closed to stop opium trade, 69; ransomed from assault during Opium War, 70; Americans indemnified for injuries during Opium War, 74; riot at, over weather-vane of American consul, 91; riot at, during negotiation of Cushing treaty, 92; enlargement of factories at, 95; residence of foreign representatives outside walls of, 96; bombardment and capture of, by British (1856), 223; Americans charged with participating in British attack on, 227; looting of palaces in, by British, 228; sack of, by allies (1857), 233.

Carrington, Edward, American consular agent at Canton, 39.

Carysfort affair at Hawaii, 124.

Chang Chih Tung, viceroy, author of book on reforms for China, 417.

Chang Yen Huan, one of Chinese peace commissioners sent to Japan, 339; biographical note on, 339.

Charlton, Richard, British consul-general to Hawaiian Islands, 113; appeals to Lord Paulet to enforce claims against Hawaii, 124.

Charter oath, taken by Mikado, 199.

China, early relations of, with Japan, 2; early relations of, with the West, 2; Dutch squadron arrives off coast of, 4; first European vessel to, 4; Portuguese outrages in, 4; British vessels arrive in (1635), 5; cause of antipathy to foreigners by, 6; early missionaries to, 6; early relations of, with Spain, 6; ports of, closed, except Canton, 7; European attempts during 17th and 18th centuries to trade with, 16 ; treaty of 1689, with Russia, 17; war between Russia and, 17th century, 17; Russian ambassadors of 1693 and 1719 to, 18; treaty of 1727, with Russia, 21; early trade of Russia with, 21; British trade with, during 18th century, 22; Macartney embassy to, 22; King of England in 1795 sends presents to emperor of, 24; Amherst embassy