Page:American Diplomacy in the Orient - Foster (1903).djvu/501

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Acteon affair, at Honolulu, 121.

Adams, English pilot, in Japan, 8.

Adams, John Quincy, on treatment of Napier by Chinese, 63; on the Opium War, 73; suggested for Chinese Mission, 78; on Christian missions in Hawaiian Islands, 107.

Allen, Dr. H. N., reception of, in Korea, 329; American minister to Korea, 329.

American Board of Foreign Missions, sends missionaries to Hawaii, 106; expenditures of, in Hawaii, 109.

Amherst, Lord, sent as ambassador to China (1815), 25.

Angell, Dr. James B., one of commission to negotiate immigration treaty with China, 294; American minister to China, 295.

Annam, Roberts sent on mission to, 46; Roberts's embassy at, 48.

Annexation. Vancouver's attempted, of Hawaiian Islands, 112; of Hawaiian Islands attempted by Lord Paulet, 124; provisional, of Hawaii to United States (1851), 130; of Formosa and Lew Chew Islands by United States proposed, 229; of Hawaii to United States indicated (1850–1860), 365; of Hawaii, Secretary Marcy directs American minister to propose, 366; treaty of, negotiated with Hawaii, 366; to United States, Lord Palmerston declares to be destiny of Hawaii, 368; treaty negotiated between Hawaii and United States February, 1893, 377; treaty of, with Hawaii, (1893), withdrawn by President Cleveland, 378; treaty between Hawaii and United States negotiated in 1897, 381; Japanese opposition to, of Hawaii to United States, 382; joint resolution for, to United States signed July, 1898, 383; reason for, of Hawaii to United States, 384; of Philippine Islands by United States, 405; text of joint resolution of Congress for the, of Hawaii, 463.

Apia, American squadron destroyed by hurricane at, 392.

Arrow War, cause of, 223; views of British statesmen as to, 224; views of United States ministers as to, 225.

Atlantic cable, one of messages over, in 1858, announced peace in China, 245.

Audience, by Dutch officials at Yedo, 14; Ismailoff's, with Chinese emperor, 20; Lord Macartney's, with Chinese emperor, 23.

Audience question, raised on Ward's arrival at Peking, 249; prolonged discussion of, 250; in China again raised, 269; temporary settlement of, in 1873, 270; again raised in China, in 1891, 270; points involved in, 271; settlement of, 271; finally settled by peace agreement between China and allies in 1901, 431.

Aulick, Commodore, selected to command Japan expedition, 146; recalled from Japan expedition, 147; disagreement of, with Minister Marshall, 206.

Balestier, J., commissioner to negotiate treaty with Borneo, 142.

Baranoff, governor of Russian America, attempts annexation of Hawaiian Islands, 112.

Barrier Forts, American naval force fires upon, 226.

Berlin Act, substance of, regarding Samoa, 394.

Berlin Samoan Conference, 393.

Biddle, Commodore, enters Bay of Yedo, 1846, 143.

Blount, J. H., commissioner to investigate Hawaiian revolution and conditions, 378.

Bogue Forts fire on British squadron, 62.