Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/91

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among mankind.

in a manner equal; (7) not but that there are other Rules concerning the Duration of the firſt Age of Life, and the Number of the young of Man and other Animals, (8) but they do not belong to my Subject. With old Men, who ſtir and perſpire but little, the Demand for Food diminiſhes with their Abilities to provide it; and as a ſavage Life would exempt them from the Gout and the Rheumatiſm, and old Age is of all Ills that which human Aſſiſtance is leaſt capable of alleviating, they would at laſt go off, without its being perceived by others that they ceaſed to exiſt, and almoſt without perceiving it themſelves.

In regard to Sickneſs, I ſhall not repeat the vain and falſe Declamations made uſe of to diſcredit Medicine by moſt Men, while they enjoy their Health; I ſhall only aſk if there are any ſolid Obſervations from which we may conclude that
