Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/90

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On the inequality

neſs, whereof the two firſt are common to all Animals, and the laſt chiefly attends Man living in a State of Society. It is even obſervable in regard to Infancy, that the Mother being able to carry her Child about with her, wherever ſhe goes, can perform the Duty of a Nurſe with a great deal leſs Trouble, than the Females of many other Animals, who are obliged to be conſtantly going and coming with no ſmall Labour and Fatigue, one Way to look out for their own Subſiſtence, and another to ſuckle and feed their young ones. True it is that, if the Woman happens to periſh, her Child is expoſed to the greateſt Danger of periſhing with her; but this Danger is common to a hundred other Species, whoſe young ones require a great deal of Time to be able to provide for themſelves; and if our Infancy is longer than theirs, our Life is longer likewiſe; ſo that, in this reſpect too, all Things are
