Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/57

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lamaqui ſays, and ſtill more that of natural Right, are Ideas evidently relative to the Nature of Man. It is therefore from this very Nature of Man, continues that great Philoſopher, from his Conſtitution and his State, that we are to deduce the Principles of this Study.

It is impoſſible to obſerve, without both Surprize and Scandal, the little Agreement there is to be found on this important Article between the different Authors that have treated of it. Among the graveſt Writers, you will ſcarce find two of the ſame Opinion. Not to ſpeak of the ancient Philoſophers, who, one would imagine, had laid themſelves out to contradict each other in regard to the moſt fundamental Principles, the Roman Juriſconſults make Man and all other Animals, without Diſtinction, ſubject to the ſame natural Law, becauſe they conſider under this Name, rather that Law which Na-

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