Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/56

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that I think I have ſufficiently reflected on the Subject of it to dare anſwer beforehand, that the wiſeſt Philoſophers would not be too wiſe to direct ſuch Experiments, nor the moſt powerful Sovereigns too powerful to make them; a Concurrence of Circumſtances which there is hardly any Reaſon to expect, or at leaſt that it ſhould be attended with that Perſeverance, or rather that Succeſſion of Knowledge, Penetration, and Good-will requiſite on both Sides to inſure Succeſs.

Theſe Reſearches, ſo difficult to make and which hitherto have been ſo little thought of, are however the only Means left us to remove a thouſand Difficulties, which prevent our ſeeing the true Foundations of Human Society. It is this Ignorance of the Nature of Man, that ſo much perplexes and obſcures the genuine Definition of natural Right: for the Idea of Right, as Monſieur Bur-
