Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/35

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People, equally jealous of its Glory and of its Freedom. Above all things, beware (it is the laſt Advice I ſhall give you) of ſiniſter Interpretations, and envenomed Speeches, whoſe ſecret Motives are often more dangerous than the Actions they are levelled againſt. A whole Houſe will ſtart from its Sleep, and catch the Alarm given by a truſty and watchful Dog that never barks but at the Approach of Thieves; whereas we hate the Importunity of thoſe noiſy and troubleſome Curs, who are perpetually diſturbing the public Repoſe, and whoſe inceſſant and ill-timed Informations hinder us from liſtening to thoſe they may ſometimes happen to give at a proper Seaſon.
