Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/34

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Defenders of them their Authority, there can be neither Safety nor Liberty for any Man? What therefore is required of you but to do chearfully and without Diffidence, what your Intereſt, your Duty, and ſound Reaſon ſhould oblige you to do? Let not a blameable and dangerous Indifference for the Support of the Conſtitution ever make you neglect, at any time you may ſtand in need of it, the prudent Advice of your moſt knowing and zealous Fellow Citizens; but let Equity, Moderation, the moſt reſpectful Firmneſs continue to regulate all your Proceedings, and give the whole Univerſe the Example of a bold and modeſt
