Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/625

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KOOTCB. INDEX. LOUPIAC. 609 Kootub, mosque and Minar, ii. 531. Kostroma, Eastern Russia, churches in, ii, 487. Views of interiors, 488, 489. Kour, rock excavations on the banks of the, ii, 480. Koutais, Armenia, peculiarities of church at, 11, 469. Koyunjik, palace of Sennacherib at, 177. Palace of Esarhaddon, or Southwest palace, 178. Central palace; its plan, 179. Its sculptures and pavement, 179. Palace of Tiglath Pileser, 180. Ori- ginal magni licence of these gi'oups of palaces, 181. Cause of the preserva- tion of their ruins, ibid. Illustrative bas-reliefs from jialace walls, 181- 184. Kremlin, the. See Moscow. Kubr Eoumeia, i, 360. Plan, 361. Kurtea el Argyisch, ii, 476. View of, 492. Its plan, 492. Kuttenbeig, church of St. Barbara at, its peculiar features, ii, 73. Section, 74. Laach, abbey church at, ii, 27. Plan and view, 27. Labyrinth of Lampares, i, 108. Plan and section, 109. Laderbro, Gothland, church and wapen- lius at, ii, 115, 181. Lambeth Palace, ii, 198. Landsberg, double chapel at, plan and section, ii, 33, 34. Landshut, St. Martin's church at, ii, 75. Langres, double-arched Homan gate at, i, 337, 502. Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury, i, 557. Langue d'Oc and Langue d'Oilil, i, 445. Languedoc, roofs in, ii, 390. Lantern pillars of Germany and France, ii, 86. Lanterns : St. Ouen, Rouen, i, 578. Sala- manca, ii, 257. Laon Cathedral, its spires and towers, i, .547. Lapo, Arnolpho da, church remodelled by, i, 437. Lateran church, Rome. See Giovanni Laterano. Latin style, French example of the, i, 507. Layard, Mr., his Assyrian explorations, i, 156. 161, 165 note, 205, 288, 474. Le Due, VioUet, his Dictionnaire d' Architecture, i, .580 note. On the donjon at Coucy, .586 note. Leighs. See Great Leighs. Leo the Isaurian, church built by, ii, 4.53. Leon, Spain, 245. Pantheon of San Isidoro, 249. Interior, 252. Cathedral : Plan, 265. Bay of choir, 266. Lerida, ii, 255. Door of porch, 256. Lery, Norman Church at, i, 513. Leuchars, Norman windows at, ii, 203. Lichfield Cathedral: Spires, i, 597. Nave, ii, 143, 1.52, 187. Clerestory windows, 145. Views, 165. West door- way, 188, 189. Dimensions, propor- tions, etc., 200. Lidkoping, Sweden, church at, ii, 100. Liege C'athedral, its date, etc., i, 59.5. Churches: St. Bartholomew, 593. St. Jacques, .593. Its plan, flamboyant porch, polychromatic decorations, 598. St. Martin, 599. Bishop's palace, 605. See ii, 274. Lierre, church of St. Gommaire at, 598. Belfry, 601. Lighting of temples, i, 191. 262. Of domes, ii, 453. Limburg, church at. ii, 17, 20. Its merits, 77. Lincoln Cathedral, ii, 132, 133, note. Nave, 142. Roof-vaidting, 143. East end, 158. Transept windows, 161, 162. General view, 167. Angel choir, 170, 185. Situation, 171. Chapter-house, 172. Choir-aisles, doorway, 187, 188. Dimensions, proportions, etc., 200. Linlithgow, doorway at, ii, 221, 222. Palace, 225. Lino, Spain, churches of SS. Miguel and Cristina at, ii, 246. Unique in form, 247. Lion tomb atCnidus, i, 275. Lisieux Cathedral, i, 551. Lismore Cathedral, ii, 227. Little Maplestead, Essex, round church at, ii, 181, 409. Little Saxham, Suffolk, round-towered church at, ii, 182. Liverpool, St. George's Hall at, i, .334 7iote. Livia, house of, i, 363. Lloyd, Mr. Watkiss, subject of a paper by, i, 251, note. Loches, round arches upon pointed ones at, i, 485. Castle, 490, 586. ^'ee ii, 395. Lof tus, Mr. , explorations of, i, 200. Lonibardy, ii, 3, 4 note, 297. Disappear- ance of original Lombard buildings, 299. Examples of Lombard and round-arched Gothic, 298-320. See Italy. London, ii, 181, 197. London Bridge, i, 48. Lorenzo, S.. Milan, see Milan. Lorenzo, basilican church, Rome, dates of, i, 409. Aisles, 410. Gallery, 418. Original arrangement, interior view, 419.^ Lorraine, architectural affinities of, i, 447. Lorsch, porch of convent at, elevation of, ii, 44. Louis le Gros , Louis le .Jeune, Saint Louis, and the architecture of France, i, 523, 524. Louis the Pioua, ii, 305. Loupiac, facade of church at, i, 480.