Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/624

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608 JEWS. INDEX. KONIGSBERG. Its magnitude and magnificence: the Gate Huldah, 217. Cognate temples, 219. Church of the Holy Sepulchre, .304, ii, 408-411, 432 note. Bassi- relievi on the Arch of Titus, i, 336. Kock-built tombs: Herod's, Zecha- riah's, 356. Absalom's, the Judges', 357. Kesult of the Crusades, ii, 407. Churches of SS. Anne, Marie la Grande, Marie Latine, and the Made- Jaine, 411. Constantine's Basilica and the Golden Gateway. 419. Purpose of the latter, 420 note. " Dome of Kock,' ' or Mosque of Omar. 40S, 421. 432-435, 449, 452, .507. Mosque el-Aksah ( Abd el-Malek's), 502-505. Fountains, 507. See ii, 411. Jews, period of the Exode of the, i, 91. See Jerusalem, Semitic races. John, King of Portugal, church founded by, ii, 288. John, S., Ravenna, baptistery of , i, 434. Knights of St. John, ii. 384. Jones, Owen, reproduction of the Al- hambra Court of Lions by, ii, 534 note. Josephus, fragment of Manetho pre- served by, i, 90, 91. [.Sec Manetho.] His idea of Solomon's palace. 210. Judah, alleged tombs of the kings of, i, 356 note. Judea, architectm'e of, see Jerusalem. Judges, tomb of the, i, 357. FaQade, 358. Jumieges, Norman church at, i, 513, 514,. Juno, temple at Samos of, i, 246. Dimen- sions, 248. Jupiter, temples of: at Elis, i, 16. Olym- pia, 243. Agrigentum, 248. Jupiter Amnion, alleged ruins of a tem- ple of, i, 142. Jupiter Capitolinus, Etruscan temple to, i, 282, ;306. Jupiter Olympius, temple at Athens of, i, 247. Dimensions, 247, 313. School to which it belongs, 258. How lighted, 264. Plan, 265. View of its ruins, 313. Jupiter Stator. temple of, i, 34, 300, .301. Its form and dimensions, 30(). Jupiter Tonans, temple of, 1, 306. Justinian's church at Bethlehem, ii, 418. His boast on the completion of the mosque of Sta. .Sophia, 443, 444. Churcli in Armenia ascribed to him, 466. Kaaba, at Mecca, i, 65, ii, 499, .501, 518. Persian Khabahs, i, 202. Kalroan, or Kirwan, mosque at, ii, 406, 520. Kaitbey, mosque and tomb of, ii, 516. View, 516. Kaiabsche, rock-cut temple at, i, 126. Roman temple: Plan, 136. Section, 137. Kalb Louzeh, church at, ii, 425. Kallundborg, Denmark, peculiarly formed church at, ii, 105. View, 106. Kaloun, mosque of, ii, 513. Kalybe, Syria, chapel at: Plan, 440. View, 440. Kampen, church at, i, 608. Kangovar, temple at, i, 219, 314. Karlsburg Cathedral, li, 2. Karnac, chief feature of the Hypostyle Hall at, i, 17. Its dimensions, 24, 118. Original founder of the Temple, 108. Its successive accretions, great magnitude, etc., 118-120. The South Temple, 122, 123. Parallel to the Hy- postyle Hall, 119. .Sef-ii, .5.34. Kelat Seman, Syria, church and monas- tery at, ii, 423. Double church, 4.36. Section and plan, 436. Kells, Ireland, ii, 2.32. Ancient Cross, 241. Kelso Abbey church, ii, 204. Norman arches, 205. Keneith, County Cork, round tower at, ii, 2:36, 237. Kenilworth Castle, ii, 197, 198. Kertch, tumuli near, ii, 478. Khabahd or Persian Fire Temple, i, 202. Khasne, or Treasury of Pharaoh: View, i, 352. Section and description, 353. Khiva, ii, 561. View of palace, 561. Khorsabad, explorations at, i, 147. Tem- ple exhumed by M. Place, 154. Eleva- tion of Observatory, 1.55. Plan of, 155. Situation of the city, 167. Plans of the Palace, l(i8, 170. Restorations by the Author, 171, 172. Peculiar orna- mt>ntation, 173. Discovery of the city gates, 174. Plan of gateway, 174. Ele- vation of, 175. Remains of propyla^a, 169. Sculptured view of a pavilion, 182. Example of the arch, 205. Khosru, (Nushirven), daring building feat of, i, 385. Kiett', architects of churches at, ii. 481, Churches: Desiatinna, and SS. Basil and Irene, 483. Cathedral (Sta. Sophia), 483. 484, 489. Other churches, 485. Immense number thereof, 486. Kieghart, Armenia, rock-cut church at, VC 480. Kilconnel Monastery, ii, 227. View of cloister, 228. Kilculleii. early doorway at, ii, 237, 238. Kildaie Cathedral, ii, 227. Doorway in tower, 2:54. 235. Killaloe, section of chapel at, ii, 2.31. Kilree, Kilkenny, round tower at, ii, 235. King's College Chapel, Cambridge. See Cambi'idge. Kirk, proper application of the term, i, 430. AVhence derived, ibid. note. Kirkwall Cathedral, ii, 205. Bays, 206. View, 207. Kloster Neuberg, " Todtenleuchter " at, ii, 86. Konigsberg, ii, 96.