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Mayas, first historical notice of, 193; attempts to subdue, 196; human faces in sculpture of, 203, 263; civilization of, 128, its evolution, 242; hieroglyphic inscriptions of, 254-72, limited range of these, 242; principal cities of, 211; probably original inhabitants of Yucatan, 213, peoples who dispossessed them, ib., 244; Cortés's march through regions where Maya remains are still found, 244-6; Temples and ruins, (see under various places), 249, 252-3.

Maya-Quiché language, area in which spoken, 60.

Melchor Alfaro de Santa Cruz, map of Tabasco by, 244.

Menché Tinamit, ruins of, 168, 215, 230, 235, 245, writer's journey to, 236; inhabitants of the forests near, ib., their houses, cultivation, and likeness to figures in sculptures, 16, 237; writer's arrival at ruins, ib., and description of them, 238 et seq., arrival of M. Charnay at, 239; carved lintel found at and removed, 239-40; return from, up the river, 240; Menché becomes a Mexican possession, 241.

Mendoza, Baltasar de, 64.

Mercer, Mr. Henry, his deductions from examination of the caves of Yucatan cited, 211, his opinions on the Maya race cited, 211, 245.

Meseta, the, or cinder ridge, Volcan de Fuego, 38-40.

Mestiza women, of Laguna, their costume, 213, and houses, 214; of Monte Cristo, their fine hair, 220.

Mexico, discovered by Grijalva, 195, conquered by Cortés, 244; death of Alvarado at, 25; Maya migrations from, 242; Prescott's glowing account of, 253.

Mico, Sierra del, (see also Minas), 145, 152.

Milson, Mr., 182, 186.

Mimosa, 80.

Minas, Sierra de las, (see also Mico), 104, 145, 250.

Missionaries, (see Dominican), Indian traders as, 96.

Mistletoe, 83.

Mixco, stone figures on the road to, 15 (ill.), ruins near, 17; washerwomen of, 20.

Mocking-birds or Sensontes, at fiestas, 93; 106, 110, 203.

Mojarra, fish, 57.

Monkey, infant, as pet, 179-81.

—— Falls, Rio Makál, 182.

Monkeys, howling, or Monos, (Mycetes villosus), 145, 147, 148.

Monoliths at Copan, 117.

Monte Cristo, 215, climate, river, birds, and fish of, 216; writer's start for Palenque from, 217; revisited, 220; Shrove Tuesday carnival at, ib., surly muleteer at, 219-223.

Montejo, Francisco de, at Chichén Itzá, 210; his expedition to Yucatan, 196.

Mopan river, 181.

Mopanes, tribe, missionaries sent to, 248.

Morazan, or Tocoy, writer puts up in the school-house at, 109; his journey from, ib., vegetation at, ib., birds at, 110.

Morning glories (flowers), 8.

Moros and Christianos, dance so-called, 94-5.

Mosquitos, 147, 150, 215, 226.

Motagua river, 72, 75, 76; ford of, 111, ferry across, 145; fever-haunted forest near, 156; valley deserted by Mayas, 242, their migrations to and from, 242-3.

Mot-mots (birds), 110, 121, 203.

Moulds of sculptures, (see Equipment), packing and transport of, 140, disasters in transit, condition on reaching England, 151.

Mounds, or Cimientos, 169, near Chiché, 75, near Uspantan, 80, believed to contain treasure, 86.

Mozos, see Indian carriers.

Mugeres Island, ruined temple on, 197.

Mules, purchase of, 15, strange adventures of Gorgonio's, 17.

Muleteers, see Arrieros.

Musæ, 92.

Music of the Vera Paz Indians, 93, 94, 96.

NAHUA Indians, invasions of, 211; 242.

Names of frontier towns, comments on, 181.

Narwhal's tooth, see Snake-bite.

Negro, Rio, or Chixoy (q. v.), 15, mounds near, 80, fine views along, 81, writer's camp, ib.,