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Juan, Don, cacique of Coban, see Caciques.

Juarros, Domingo, his description of Utatlan, 66.

LABNÁ, ruins at, 198.

Lacandon river, 236, 240, 241, writer’s journey on, 167, Spanish explorations of, 247.

Lacandones, Indians, 236, an untamed tribe, 83, lake stronghold of, 70, their copal offerings at Menché, 238.

Ladino church function, a, 12, 43. Costumes, 10, 29, 48, 84, 213. indifference to Indian customs, 73. inhabitants of Guatemala, 10. of San Antonio, 53. servants, 10. soldiers, 51. travellers, 48.

Ladrada, Rodrigo de, 96.

Laguna, La, 115.

Laguna, wood-shipping season at, 212; principal inhabitants and pastimes, 213-4, Mestiza women at, ib., houses of the Mestizos at, 214, surroundings of, ib., writer joined at, by Mr. Price and M. Chambon, 215, the start from, ib., alligators and mosquitos of, ib.

Lake of Amatitlan, see Amatitlan.

—— of Atitlan, see Atitlan.

—— strongholds in days of Spanish discovery, 70.

Landa, Diego de (Bishop of Yucatan), his description of the sacred ’cenote at Chichén Itzá, 208; cited on Maya divisions of time, 254-5.

Lanquin river and places near, 159, 163.

Las Casas, Bartolomé, (Apostle of the Indies) undertakes the conversion of the Indians of Tuzulutlan, 95, 96, 98, 99, and those of Sacapulas, 97.

Lenten fare, alligator meat, 41.

Leopard, painting of, at Utatlan, 69.

Lianes, use of, 78, 113, 174.

Lick Observatory, visit to, 2.

Lightning-stones, i. e. stone axes, 114.

Lignum-Vitæ trees, 110.

Lintels, carved, 206, 235, 238, 239, one taken home, 240.

Livingston, port of, 128, 155-6, 246.

Llano de la Fragua, waterless plain, writer’s journey across, 112, river forded in, 113.

Localities, Indian reverence for, 168.

Loom, Indian, 56.

Lopez family, the home of, 159. Caralampio, son of Gorgonio, 16, 17, 33, 84, 224. Carlos, brother of Gorgonio, 119, 140, 157, 163, 185. Gorgonio, a faithful companion, 16-19, his kindness to animals, 20, his patience, 105, his bathes an object-lesson to Indians, 140, 151; prostrate with fever, 154, 159; loses his way in forest, 171, 187; at Palenque, 224, at Menché, 240. José Domingo, 140, 163, 171, 182, 224.

Love-making, native ways of, 114, 213.

Lycopodium, 83.

MACAWS (Ara macao), 147.

Machaquilá river, 167, 174, 183.

Madre, Sierra, 9.

Mahogany trees and trade, 146, 168, 188, 239, 241.

Maidenhair fern, 22.

Maize, 28, drink made from, 31, 51, 237, 251, (see also Corn).

Majares, Don Carlos, 215, 223.

Makál river, 183, rafting over, 184, old settlements along, 185, Monkey Fall on, 182.

Maldonado, Alonzo, and the Dominican missionaries, 96.

Maler, Mr. Teobert, hieroglyph found by at Piedras Negras, 263.

Mangrove-trees, 121, 122, swamps of, 187-8.

Manikin sceptres in sculptures at Quirigua, 176.

Manila, ruin of its hemp trade, 176.

Manzanilla, port of Colima, 5.

Marauders, precautions against, 133.

Marimon, Dr. Sebastian, 244.

Market-places, see Plazas.

Matapalo, or parasitic fig, 147.