Page:A Child of the Jago - Arthur Morrison.djvu/356

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sion, which the vicar had learned to know well. Said Sam Cash, stolidly: "I bin 'avin' a little shootin' with a friend."

"Dear, dear, what a charming friend! And where are his moors? Nowhere about the Bethnal Green Road, I suppose, by the goods depot? Come now, I'm sure Josh Perrott would like to know. You didn't get any shooting in your little holiday, did you. Josh?" Josh grinned, delighted, but Sam shuffled uneasily, with a hopeless, sidelong glance, as in search of a hole wherein to hide. "Ah, you see," Father Sturt said, "he doesn't want his friend's hospitality to be abused. Let me see—two, four, six—why, there must be nine or ten brace, and all at one shot, too! Sam always makes his bag at one shot, you know, Josh, whatever the game is. Yes, wonderful shooting. And did you shoot the label at the same time, Sam? Come, I should like to look at that label!"