Page:A Child of the Jago - Arthur Morrison.djvu/355

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again without coming to see me! But there, you must have been coming. I hope you haven't been knocking long? Come in now, at any rate. You're looking wonderfully well. What a capital thing a holiday is, isn't it—a good long one?" Taking Josh by the arm he hauled him, grinning, sheepish and almost blushing, toward the club door. And at that moment Sam Cash came hurrying round Luck Row corner, with his finger through a string, and on that string a bunch of grouse.

"Dear me," said Father Start, turning back, but without releasing Josh's arm. "Here 's our dear friend, Sam Cash, taking home something for his lunch. Come, Sam, with such a fine lot of birds as that, I'm sure you'll be proud to tell us where they came from. Eh?"

For a moment Sam Cash was a trifle puzzled, even offended. Then there fell over his face the mask of utter inexpres-