Page:800 proved pecan recipes- their place in the menu (IA 0519PECA).pdf/74

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800 Proved Pecan Recipes

% cake yeast 1 egg % C. water % t. cinnamon and ginger 1 ¢. milk 1% ©. chopped pecans 4% C. sugar % C. currants 8 T. shortening 1%. salt Flour

Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water, add to milk which has been sealded and cooled. Add sugar and shortening creamed together, the egg beaten light, spices, pecans, and currants, flour to make stiff dough, and salt. Let rise 214 to 8 hours, and bake. If a cross is desired on top of buns, cut with knife after shaping into buns and let rise a few minutes before baking.

1 potato 2 T. Crisco

1% C. potate water Y% yeast cake

134 C, milk 2 T, water 2 T. sugar 1 GC. chopped pecans 1 t. salt Flour

Scald milk. Add potato mashed in potato water, sugar, salt, and melted Crisco. When lukewarm, add yeast cake dissolved in 2 T. warm water and enough flour to make a sponge. Let stand 2 hours. Then add enough flour to make into loaf. Let stand overnight. In morning knead, work in pecans, and shape into Parkerhouse rolls. Let rise, butter tops, and bake.

Edith A. Meyer.

1 Cc. milk 1% C, butter

% C. sugar % t. salt

% C. mashed potatoes Flour

% yeast cake Sugar

2 'T. water Cinnamon

1 egg Chopped pecans Butter

Scald milk and add sugar and potatoes. When lukewarm, add yeast cake dissolved in 2 T. warm

water and let rise overnight. In the morning add