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Pecan Yeast Breads

roll. Cut into 144 inch pieces. Place on end in pan prepared with butterscotch syrup made by boiling the ingredients for 10 min. and adding vanilla and pecans. Let rise until very light and . bake in a moderate oven 20 to 30 minutes. Turn out upside down as soon as removed from oven.

Irene E. Robb.

1 potato 1% T. Crisco Bran Rolis

1 ©. water 36 C. sugar

Y yeast cake 1 C. bran

¥% C. water 1 4 salt

2 C. flour 4% ©. chopped pecans

% ©. raisins

Boil potato in 1 C. water. When done, mash in the water. When lukewarm, add yeast cake dis- solved in 14 C. lukewarm water. Add flour to make a soft batter. Let rise two hours. Add remainder of flour, melted Crisco, sugar, bran, salt, pecans, raisins, and knead. Let rise two hours. Knead, divide inte rolls, put in pans, and let rise another hour. Bake.

Mrs. S. A. Heward.

milk 2 T. water Frosted

% Cc. % C. Crisco 14% eges Pinwheel Rolls % T. sugar 2 C. flour % t. salt % C. sugar % cake yeast Pecans Cinnamon

Scald milk and add Crisco, sugar, and salt. When lukewarm, add yeast cake dissolved in 2 T. water, egg yolks, and flour. Let rise over-night. Knead, roll out to 14, inch in thickness. Spread with egg whites and sugar. Sprinkle with chop- ped pecans and cinnamon. Roll up like a jelly roll. Cut in slices, Let rise 2 hours, Bake 34, hour and frost with powdered sugar icing and sprinkle with finely chopped pecans.

Mrs. W. G. Benninger.