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This party shall be distinct from any other party or parties, and its attitude towards any other party or parties shall be that of independence.


That the sub-committee be instructed to draft a declaration of principles.


The sub-committee shall prepare a platform which shall include the usual legislative proposals of organised Labour in this country, including a consideration of wages and hours, together with such matters as land, industrial, and commercial monopolies, the initiative and referendum, the recall and proportional representation.


That the respective executives of the New Zealand Federation of Labour, the United Labour Party, and the Socialist Party be invited, while not in any way abating their own activities, to utilise their existing machinery and organisers to push forward the work of organisation on the lines agreed upon at this Conference.

The decision of Conference in affirming, without amendment, the committee’s reports, aroused great enthusiasm among delegates, and was greeted with cheers.


The period between the Conferences of January and July was marked by a great agitational campaign throughout New Zealand. Meetings were held all over the country, literature widely distributed, and circulars by the thousands were dispatched to unions and other Labour organisations, as well as to individuals.

As secretary, I had a particularly strenuous time, for, in addition to my work as sub-editor, I kept two typists busy on the work of