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executive for decision. In the event of the national executive deciding in favour of a strike it shall give the whole power of the United Federation of Labour in support.


That the respective executives of the New Zealand Federation of Labour and the United Labour Party be invited, while not in any way abating their own activities, to utilise their existing machinery and organisers to push forward the work of organisation on the lines agreed upon at this conference.


Mr. Webb, on behalf of the committee, then submitted the political organisation report as follows:—


That this Conference recommends the following outline as indicating the lines along which a constitution should be drawn up by the sub-committee set up to draft a constitution to be considered, amended if necessary, and adopted by the joint congress of unions to be held in Wellington, commencing on the first Tuesday in July, 1913. Your committee also recommends that the proposed conference to be held in July shall forthwith inaugurate the new body as a going concern.


Social-Democratic Party.


The socialisation of the collectively-used means of production, distribution and exchange.


The party shall consist of unions, local branches, and individual members prepared to endorse the foregoing and pledge their support.