
Wonderful conferences which passed between the ghost of Mr. Maxwell of Cool, and the Rev. Mr. Ogilvy of Innerwick

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Wonderful conferences which passed between the ghost of Mr. Maxwell of Cool, and the Rev. Mr. Ogilvy of Innerwick (1802)
by William Ogilvie
3322161Wonderful conferences which passed between the ghost of Mr. Maxwell of Cool, and the Rev. Mr. Ogilvy of Innerwick1802William Ogilvie (1689-1729)


Wonderful Conferences


Ghoſt of Mr. Maxwell of Cool,


Rev. Mr. Ogilvy of Innerwick,


Was found in Mr. OGILVY'S Cloſet, after his Death, and written by his own Hand.

G L A S G O W,
Saltmarket, 1809.


UPON the 3d day of February 1724, at ſeven o'clock at night, after I had parted with Thurſton, and was coming up the Burial Road, one came riding after me; upon bring the noiſe of the horſe's feet, I took it to be Thurſton: but looking back, and ſeeing the horſe of a grey colour, I called, who's there? The anſwer was, The Laird of Cool, be not afraid: Looking to him with the little light the moon afforded, I took him to be the Collector of Caſtle Law, who had a mind to put a trick upon me, and immediately Iſftruck with all my force, with nay cane, thinking I would leave a mark upon him that would make him remember his preſumption; but being ſenſible, I aimed as well as ever I did in my life, yet my cane, finding no reſiftance, flew out of my hand to the diſtance of ſixty feet, and obſerving it, by its white head, I diſmounted, and took it up, but had ſome difficulty in mounting again, partly by the ramping of my horſe, and partly by reaſon of a certain ſort of trembling throughout my whole joints; ſomething alſo of anger had its ſhare in the confuſion: For I thought he laughed when my ſtaff Aew out of my hand. Coming up with him agaia, (who halted all the time I was-ſeeking my ſtaff) I aſked him once more who he was? He anſwered, The Laird of Cool. I enquired, firſt, If he was the Laird of Cool, what brought him hither, and what was his buſineſs with me? He anſwered, The reaſon that I want you is, that I know you are diſpoſed to do for m, what none of your brethren in Nithſdale will ſo much as at. tempt, though it ſerve never ſo good purpoſes. I told him, I would never refuſe to do any good thing, to ſerve a good purpoſe, if I thought I was obliged to it as my duty: He anſwered, ſince I had, undertaken what few in Nithſdale would for he had tried ſeveral perſons upon the ſubject, who were more obliged to him than I was to any perſon living. Upon this I drew my bridle-reins, and talked in ſurpriſe, aſked what I had undertaken? He anſwered, That on Sabbath laſt, I had heard, you condemned Mr. Paton and the other Miniſters of Dumfies, for diſſuading Mr. Mienzies from keeping his appointment with me; and if you had been in their place, you would have perſuaded the lad to do as I deſired, and that you would have gone with him yourſelf if he had been afraid, and that if you had been in Mr. Paton's place, you would have deli. vered my commiſſions yourſelf, ſince they intended to do ſeveral perſons juſtice. I aſked him, Pray Cool, who informed you that I talked at this rate? To which he anſwered, You muſt know, that we are acquainted with many things that the living know nothing about. Theſe things you did ſay, and much inore to the purpoſe, and all that I want is, that you would fulfil your promiſe, and deliver my commiſſions to my living wife. Upon this I ſaid, 'Tis a pity Cool, that you who know ſo many things, ſhould not know the difference between an abſolute and conditional promiſe: I did indeed, at the time you mention, blame Mr. Paton, for I thought him juſtly blameable, in hindering the lad to meet with you, and if I had been in this place, I would have acted quite the reverſe; but did I ever ſay, That if you would come to Innerwick and employ me, that I would go all the way to Dumfries on ſuch an errand; that is what never ſo much as entered into my thoughts. He anſwered, What were your thoughts I do not pretend to know, but I can depend upon my information, that theſe were your words: But I ſee you are in ſome diſorder, I'll wait upon you when you have more preſence of mind.

By this time we were at James Dickſon's incloſure below the Church-yard, and while I was recollecting in my mind if ever I had ſpoke theſe words he alledged, he broke from me thro' the Church-yard with greater violence than ever any man on horſe-back was capable of, with ſuch ſinging and buzzing noiſe, as put me in greater diſorder than I was all the time I was with him. I came to my houſe, and my wife obſerved more than ordinary paleneſs in my countenance, and would alledge that ſomething ailed me; I called for a dram, and told her I was a little uneaſy. After I found myſelf a little refreſhed, I went to my cloſet to meditate upon this, the moſt aſtonishing adventure of my whole life.

Upon the 5th of March 1724, being at Harehead baptizing the ſhepherd's child, I came off at ſun-fitting, or a little after, and near William White's March, the Laird of Cool came up with me as formerly; and, after his firſt ſalutation, bid me not be afraid. I told him I was not in the leaſt afraid, in the name of God and Chriſt my only Saviour, that if he would come the leaſt harm (for I know that He, in whom I truſted, was ſtronger than all they put together, and if any of them ſhould attempt to do even the horſe that I rid upon, as they have done to Dr. Menzie's man, if it be true that is ſaid, and generally believed about Dumfries) I have free acceſs to complain to my Lord and Maſter, to the laſh of whoſe reſentment, you are as liable now as before.

Cool.) You need not multiply words on that head, for you are as ſafe with me, and ſafer, if ſafer can be, than when I was alive.

Ogil.] Well then Cool, let me have a peaceable and eaſy converſation with you for the time we ride together, and give me ſome information about the affairs of the other world, for no map inclines to loſe his time in converſing with the dead, without hearing or learning ſomething that is uſeful.

Cool.) Well, Sir, I will ſatisfy you as far as I think it proper and convenient: Let me know what information you want from me.

Ogil.] May I then aſk you, if you be in a fate of happineſs or not?

Cool.) There are a great many things I can anſwer, that the living are quite ignorant of: There are a great many things, that notwithſtanding my additional knowledge I have acquired ſince my death, I cannot anſwer; and there are a great many queſtions and things that you may ſtart, of which the laſt is one, that I will not anſwer.

Ogil.] Then I know not how to manage our converſation, for whatever I ſhall enquire of you, I ſee you can eaſily ſhift me, ſo that I might profit more by converſing by myſelf.

Cool.) You may try.

Ogil. Well, then, what ſort of a body is it that you appear in, and what ſort of a horſe is it that you ride upon, that appears ſo full of mettle?

Cool.) You may depend upon it, it is not the fame body that I was witneſs to your marriage in, nor in which I died, for that is in the grave rotten, but it is ſuch a body as ſerves me in a moment, for I can flee as fleet with it, as my foul can be without it; to that I can go to Dumfries and return again, before you can ride twice the length of your horſe; nay, if I have a mind to go to London, or Jeruſalem, or to the moon, if you pleaſe, I can perform all theſe journies equally ſoon, for it coſts me nothing but a thought, or wiſh; for this body is as fleet as your thought, for in the moment of time that you can turn your thought to Rome, I can go there in perſon: And as for my horſe, it is much like myſelf, for it is Andrew Johnſton my tenant, who died forty-eight hours before me.

Ogil.] So it ſeems when Andrew Johnſton inclines to ride, you muſt ſerve him in quality of a horſe as he does you now.

Cool.) You are miſtaken.

Ogil.] I thought that all diſtinction between miſtreſſes and maids, lairds and tenants had been done away at death.

Cool.) True, it is, but you do not take up the matter.

Ogil.] This then is one of the queſtions you will not anſwer.

Cool.) You are ſtill miſtaken, for that queſtion I can anſwer, and after this you may underſtand it.

Ogil.] Well then Cool, have you never yet appeared before God, nor received any ſentence from him as a Judge?

Cool.) Never yet.

Ogil.] I know you were a ſcholar, Cool, and it is generally believed that there is a private judgement, beſides the general one at the great day, the farmer immediately after death.———Upon this he interrupted my arguing.

Cool.). No ſuch thing! No ſuch thing! No trial till the great day. The heaven which good men enjoy after death, conſiſts only in the ſerenity of their minds, and ſatisfaction of a good conſcience, and the certain hopes they have for an eternal joy, when that day ſhall come. The puniſhment or hell of the wicked immediately after death, conſiſts in the dreadful ſtings of an awakened conſcience, and the terror of facing the great Judge, and the ſenſible apprehenſions of eternal torments enſuing; and this beats ſtill due proportion to the evils they did when living: So indeed, the ſtate of ſome good folks differs but little in happineſs from what they enjoy in the world; ſave only, that they are free from the body, and the ſins and ſorrows that attend it: On the other hand, there are ſome who may be ſaid, rather not to have been good, than that they were wicked, while living; their ſtate is not eaſily diſtinguiſhed from that of the former, and under that great claſs comes a great herd of ſouls, a vaſt number of ignorant people, who have not much minded the affairs of eternity, but at the ſame time, have lived in much indolence, ignorance, and innocence.

Ogil.] I always thought that their rejecting the terms of ſalvation offered, was a ſufficient ground for God to puniſh them with his eternal diſpleaſure, and as to their ignorance, that could never excuſe them, ſince they lived in a place of the world where the knowledge of theſe things might eaſily have been attained.

Cool.) They never properly rejected the terms of ſalvation, they never, ſtrictly ſpeaking, rejected Chriſt: Poor ſouls! they had as great a liking both to him and heaven, as their groſs imaginations were capable of. Impartial reaſon muſt have many allowances; as the ſtupidity of their parents, want of education, diſtance from people of good ſenſe and knowledge, and uninterrepted application, they were obliged to give their ſecular affairs for their daily bread, the impious treachery of their paſtors, who perſuaded them, it they were of ſuch a party, all was well, and many other conſiderations, which God, who is pure and perfect Reaſon itſelf, will not overlook: Theſe are not ſo much under the load of divine diſpleaſure, as they are out of his grace and favour; and you know it is one thing to be diſcovered, and quite another thing to be perſecuted with all the power and rage of an incenſed earthly king. I aſſure you, mens' faces are not more various and different in the world, than their circumſtances after death.

Ogil.] I am loath to believe all that you have ſaid at this time, Cool, (but I will not diſpute thoſe matters with you) becauſe ſome things you have advanced, ſeem to contradict the ſcriptures, which I ſhall always look upon, to be the infallible truth of God; for I find in the parable of Dives and Lazarus, that the one was, immediatly after death, carried up by the angels into Abraham's boſom, and the other immediately thruſt down to hell.

Cool.) Excuſe me, Sir, that does not contradict one word that I have ſaid, but you ſeem not to underſtand the parable, whoſe only end is to illuſtrate the truth, that a man may be very happy and flouriſhing in this world, and moſt wretched and miſerable in the next; and that a man may be miſerable in this world, and more glorious and happy in the next.

Ogil.] Be it ſo, Cool, I ſhall yield that point to you, and ſhall paſs to another which has afforded me much ſpeculation-ſince our laſt rencounter, and that is, how you came to know that I talked after the manner I did, concerning Mr. Paton on the firſt Sabbath of February laſt. Were you preſent with us, but inviſible? He anſwered very haughtily: No, Sir, I was not preſent myſelf. I replied, I would not have you angry, Cool; I propoſed this queſtion for my own ſatisfaction, but if you don't think proper to anſwer it, let it paſs. After he had pauſed with his eyes on the ground for three or four minutes of time at moſt, with ſome haſte and ſeeming cheerfulneſs, he ſays;

Cool.) Well, Sir, I will ſatisfy you in that point: You muſt know, that there are ſent from heaven angels to guard and comfort, and ſo to do other ſpecial good ſervices to good people, and even the ſpirits of good men departed, are employed on that ſame errand.

Ogil.] And do you not think that every man has a good angel!

Cool.) No, but a great many particular men have, and there are but few houſes of diſtinction eſpecially, but what have at leaſt one attending thein, and from what you have already heard of theſe ſpirits, it is no difficult matter to underſtand how they may be ſerviceable to each particular member, though at different places, at a great diſtance. Many are the good offices which the good angels do men that fear God, though many times they are not ſenſibie of it, and I know aſſuredly, that one powerful angel, or even active, clever ſoul departed, may be ſufficient for ſome villages; but for your great cities, ſuch as London, Edinburgh, or the like, there is one great Angel that has the ſuperintendance of the whole: And there are inferior angels or fouls departed, to whoſe peculiar care ſuch a man of ſuch particular weight or buſineſs is committed. Now, Sr, the kingdom of Satan does ape the kingdom of Chriſt as much, in matters of politics, as can be well known that the courſe of wiſdom is from above; ſo that from hence are ſent out Millionaries in the ſame order; but becauſe the kingdom of Satan is much better repleniſhed than the other, inſtead of one devil there are in many inſtances, two or three commiſſioned to attend a particular family of influence and diſtinction.

Ogil.] I read, that there are ten thouſand times ten thouſands of angels that wait upon God, and ſing his praiſe, and do his will, and I cannot underſtand how the good angels ſhould be inferior in number to the evil.

Cool.) Did I not ſay, that whatever the number be, the ſpirits departed are employed in the ſame buſineſs, ſo that as to the number of original deities, whereof Satan is chief, I cannot determine, but you need not doubt, but there are more ſouls departed to that place, which in a looſe ſenſe you call hell, by almoſt in infinity, than what are gone to that place, which in a like ſenſe you call heaven, who likewiſe are employed in the ſame purpoſe; and I can aſſure you, by the bye, that there is as great a difference between angels both good and bad, as there is among men, with reſpect to their ſenſe, knowledge, cunning, cleverneſs, and action; nay, which is more, the departed ſouls in both ſides, outdo, ſeverals, from their very firſt departure, of the original angels. This you will perhaps think a paradox, but it is true,

Ogil.] I do not doubt it, but what is that to my queſtion about what I am ſolicitous.

Cool.) Take a little patience, Sir, from what I have ſaid, you might have underſtood me, if you had had your thought about you, but I ſhall explain myſelf to you. Both the good and bad angels have ſtated times of rendezvous, and the principal angels who have the charge either of towns, cities, or kingdoms, not to mention particular perſons, villages, and families, and all that is tranſacted in theſe ſeveral parts of the country, are there made open; and at their rencounter on each ſide; every thing is told as in your pariſh, in milns, kilns, and ſmithies, only with this difference, that many things falſe are talked at the living rencounters, but nothing but what is exact truth is ſaid, or told among the dead; only I muſt obſerve to you, That as I am credibly informed, ſeveral of the inferior bad angels or ſouls of wicked men, departed, have told many things that they have done, and when a more intelligent ſpirit is ſent out upon enquiry, and the report of the former ſeeming doubtful, he brings in a contrary report, and makes it appear truth, the former fares very ill. Their regard for truth prevents it, for while they obſerve the truth, they do their buſineſs, and keep their ſtation, for God is truth.

Ogil.] So much truth being among the good angels, I am apt to think that lies and falſehood will be as much in vogue among the bad.

Cool.) A groſs miſtake, and it is not the alone miſtake which living folks fall under, with reſpect to the other world, for the caſe plainly is this, an ill man will not ſtick at any falſehood to promote his deſign, ſo, as little will an evil ſoul departed, ſtand at any thing that can make him ſucceſsful, but in making report, he muſt tell the truth, or woe be to him; but beſides their monthly, quarterly, yearly, or weekly meetings, or what ever they he, departed ſouls acquainted, may take a trip to ſee and converſe with one another yearly, weekly, daily, or oftener if they pleaſe. Thus then I anſwer your queſtion, that you were ſo much concerned about, for my information was from no leſs than three perſons, viz. Andrew Aikman, who attends Thurſton's family, James Corbet, who waits upon Mr. Paton, who was at your houſe: and an original emiſſary, appointed to wait upon yours.

Ogil.] At this, I was much ſurprized, and, after a long thinking, I aſked him, And is there really, Cool, an emiſſary from hell, in whatever ſenſe you take it, that attends my family?

Cool.) Yes, you may depend upon it.

Ogil.] And what do you think is his buſineſs?

Cool.) To divert you from your duty, and cauſe you, underhand, to do as many ill things as he can, for much depends on having the miniſter on their ſide. Upon this I was ſtruck with a fort of terror, which I cannot account for, nor expreſs: In the mean time, he ſaid ſeveral things that I did not underſtand, but after a little, I coming to my former preſence of mind, ſaid,

Ogil.] But Cool, tell me in earneſt, if there be indeed a devil that attends my family tho' inviſible to us all!

Cool.) Juſt as ſure as you are breathing; but be not ſo much dejected upon this information; for I tell you likewiſe, that there is a good angel that attends you, that is ſtronger than the other.

Ogil.] Are you ſure of that, Cool?

Cool.) Yes, there is now one riding on your right hand, who might as well have been elſewhere, for I meant you no harm.

Ogil.]. And how long has he been with me?

Cool.) Only ſince we paſſed Brand's Lee, but now he is gone.

Ogil.]. We are juſt now upon Elenſcleugh, and I deſire to part with you, though perhaps I have gained more by our converſation, than I would have done otherwiſe in a twelvemonth. I chuſe rather to ſee you another time, when you are at leiſure, and I wiſh it were at as great a diſtance from Innerwick as you can.

Cool.) Be it ſo, Sir, I hope you will be as obliging to me next rencounter, as I have been to you this.

Ogil.] I promiſe you I will, in as far as it is conſiſtant with my duty to my Lord and Master Christ Jesus; and ſince you have obliged me ſo much by information, I will anſwer all the queſtions you propoſe, as far as, conſists with my knowledge, but I believe you want no information from me.

Cool.) I come not to be inſtructed by you; but I want your help of another kind.

Upon the ninth of April 1724, as I was returning from Oldhamſtock, Cool came up with me on horſeback, at the foot of the ruinous incloſure, before we come to Dod; I told him his laſt converſation had proved ſo acceptable to me, that I was well pleaſed to ſee him again, and that there was a vaſt number of things that I wanted to inform myſelf further of, if he would be ſo good as to ſatisfy me.

Cool.) Laſt time we met, I refuſed you nothing you aſked, and now I expect that you will refuſe me nothing that I ſhall aſk.

Ogil.] Nothing, Sir, that is in my power, or that I can with ſafety to my reputation and character. What then are your demands?

Cool.) All that I deſire of you is, That as you promiſed that Sabbath-day, you would go to my wife, who now poſſeſſes all my effects, and tell her the following particulars, and tell her in my name, to rectify theſe matters. Firſt, That I was owing juſtly to Provoſt Croſby, five hundred pounds Scots, and three years intereſt: But upon hearing of his death, my good-brother the Laird of Chappel and I, forged a diſcharge, narrated the bond, the ſum and other particulars, with this honerous clauſe, that at the time it was fallen by, and could not be found; with an obligation on the Provoſt's part, to deliver up the bond, as ſoon as he could hit upon it; and this diſcharge was dated three months before the Provoſt's death; and when his ſon and ſucceſſor Andrew Croſby, wrote to me concerning this bond, I came to him, and ſhewed him the diſcharge, which ſilenced him; ſo that I got out my bond without more ado. And when I heard of Robert Kennedy's death, with the ſame help of Chappel, I got a bill upon him for an hundred pound ſterling, of which I got full and complete payment, and Chappel got the half. When I was at Dumfries, the day that Thomas Grier died, to whom I was owing an account of thirty-ſix pounds ſterling, Chappel my good-brother was then at London, and not being able of myſelf, (being but a bad writer) to get a diſcharge of the account, which I wanted exceedingly, I met accidently with Robert Boyd, a poor writer lad in Dumfries, I took him to Mrs. Cornock's, and gave him a bottle of wine, and told him, that I had paid Thomas Grier's account but wanted a diſcharge, and if he would help me to it, I would reward him: He fled away from me in a very great paſſion, ſaying "He would rather be hanged, but if I had a mind for theſe things, I had better wait till Chappel came home." This gave me great trouble, fearing, that what Chappel and I had done formerly was no ſecret, I followed Boyd to the ſtreet, made an apology that I was jeſting, commending him for his honeſty, and took him ſolemnly engaged, never to repeat what had paſſed. I ſent for my couſin Barnhewrie, your good-brother, who, with no difficulty, for a guinea and a half, undertook, and performed all that I wanted; and for a guinea more, made me up a diſcharge for two hundred pounds Scots, that I was owing to your Father-in-law, and his friend Mr. Muirhead; which diſcharge I gave to John Ewart, when he deſired the money; and he, at my deſire, produced it to you, which you ſuſtained. A great many the like inſtances were told, of which I cannot remember the perſons' names and things: But, ſays he, What vexes me more than all theſe, is the injuſtice I did to Homer Maxwell, tenant to my Lord Nithſdale, for whom I was factor: I borrowed two thouſand merks from him, five hundred of which he had borrowed from another hand; I gave him my bond, and for reaſons I contrived, obliged him to ſecrecy; he died within the year, and left nine children, and his wife had died before himſelf. I came to ſeal up his papers for my Lord's ſecurity: His eldeſt daughter entreated me to look through them all, and to give her an account what was their ſtock, and what was their debt; I very willingly undertook it, and in going through the papers, I put my own bond in my pocket: His circumſtances proved bad, and his nine children are now ſtarving. Theſe things I deſire you to repreſent to my wife, and take her brother with you, and let them be immediately rectified, for ſhe has ſufficient funds to do it upon; and if it were done, I think I would be eaſy and happy; therefore I hope you will make no delay. After a ſhort pauſe, I anſwered, 'Tis a good errand, Cool, you are ſending me, to do juſtice to the oppreſſed and injured, but notwithſtanding that I ſee myſelf come in for two hundred pound Scots; yet I beg a little time to conſider on the matter, and ſince I find you are as much maſter of reaſon now as ever, and more than ever, I will firſt reaſon on the matter in its general view, and then with reſpect to the expediency of my being the meſſenger, and this I will do with all manner of frankneſs. From what you have ſaid, I ſee clearly, that your preſent ſtate is ſo, that I need not aſk more queſtions upon that head, and you need not bid me take courage, and not be afraid of you, for at this moment, I am no more afraid of you, than of a new born child.

Cool.) Well, ſay on.

Ogil.] Tell me then, ſince ſuch is your ability, that you can fly a thouſand miles in the twinkling of an eye, if your deſire to do theſe oppreſſed juſtice, be as great as you pretend, what is the reaſon you do not fly to the coffers of ſome rich Jew or Banker, where there are ten thouſands of gold and ſilver: Inviſibly lift, and inviſibly return it into the coffers of the injured: And ſince your wife has ſufficient fund and more, why cannot you empty her purſes, in your inviſibility, to make thoſe people amends?

Cool.) Becauſe I cannot.

Ogil.] If theſe things be rectified you would be eaſy and happy: I do not at all credit that, forwhatever juſtice may be done to the people, yet the guilt of the baſe action always remains upon you.

Cool.) Now you think you have ſilenced me, and gained a notable victory, but I will ſhow you the miſtake immediately; for I cannot touch any gold or money, by reaſon of theſe ſpirits that are the ſtated guardians of juſtice and honeſty.

Ogil.] What is that you tell me, Cool? Do not unworthy fellows break houſes every night? and yet you that can put yourſelf into ſo many hundred different ſhapes in a moment cannot do it: What is that you tell me, Cool?

Cool.) 'Tis true, Sir, but againſt the living, men may find out ſome probable means of ſecuring themſelves, but it ſpirits departed were allowed that, no man would be ſecure; for in that caſe, every man that I had a prejudice at, would ſoon be beggared.

Ogil.] Might not you go to the mines of Mexico and Peru, where theſe little ſums will not be miſſed?

Cool.) No, Sir, for the ſame reaſon.

Ogil.] But; Cool, there is ſo much treaſure loſt in the ſea, you might eaſily dive into the bottom of it, ſearch that, and refund thoſe people their loſſes, where no man is injured.

Cool.) You are a little too forward this night, Sir, and incline much to banter, what I have ſaid, might ſatisfy you; but ſince it does not, I will tell you further, that no ſpirit, good or bad, have power to take any money or gold: The good never do, though the bad, if one in an age, 'tis no ſmall quarrel, for if we were allowed them, then they would be very ſucceſsful in their buſineſs, and never fail of gaining their points.

Ogil.] What hinders them, Cool?

Cool.) Superior powers that guard and govern all.

Ogil.] You have ſatisfied me entirely upon that head, but pray, Cool, what is the reaſon that you cannot go to your wife yourſelf, and tell her what you have a mind; I ſhould think this a much ſurer way to gain your point.

Cool.) Becauſe I will not.

Ogil.] That does not ſatisfy me, Cool.

Cool.) That is one of the queſtions that I told you long ago, I would not anſwer, but if you go as I deſired, I promiſe to give you full ſatisfaction, after you have done your buſineſs: Truſt me for once, and believe me, I will not diſappoint you

Upon the 10th of April, 1724, coming from Old-Hermes upon the poſt-road, I met with Cool, upon the head of the path called the Peaſe. He aſked me if I had conſidered the matter he had recommended? I told him I had, and was in the ſame opinion I was in when we parted; that I could not poſſibly undertake his commiſſion, unleſs he could give me it in writing under his hand. I told him that the liſt of the grievances were ſo great, that I could not poſſibly remember them without being in writing, and that I wanted nothing but reaſon to determine me in that and all affairs of my life: I know, ſays he, that this is a mere evaſion; but tell me if the Laird of Thurſton will do it? I am ſure, ſaid I, he will not; and if he ſhould, I would do all that I could to hinder him, for I think he has as little concern in theſe matters as myſelf. But tell me, Cool, is it not as eaſy to write your ſtory as to tell it, or to ride on what do you call him, for I forgot your horſe's name.

Cool.) No, Sr, it is not; and perhaps I may convince you of the reaſonableneſs of it afterwards.

Ogil ] I would be glad to hear a reaſon that is ſolid, for not ſpeaking to your wife yourſelf; but however, any rational creature may ſee what a fool I would make of myſelf, if I ſhould go to Dumfries to tell your wife, that you had appeared to me, and had told me ſo many forgeries and villainies that you had committed; and that ſhe behoved to make reparation: The event might perhaps be, that ſhe would ſcold me; for ſhe would be loath to part with any money ſhe poſſeſſes: and therefore tell me I was mad, or poſſibly purſue me for calumny. How would I vindicate myſelf? How could I prove that your had ever ſpoken with me? Mr. Paton and the other miniſters of Dumfries would tell me, it was the devil that had ſpoken to me, and why ſhould I repeat theſe things for truth, which he, that was a liar from the beginning, had told me? Chappel and Barnhewrie would be upon my top, and purſue me before the commiſſaries; and every body would look upon me as brain-ſick or mad; therefore I entreat you, do not inſiſt upon ſending me an April errand. The reaſonableneſs of my demands I leave to your own conſideration, as you did your former to mine. But dropping theſe matters, till our next interview, give me leave to enter upon ſome more diverting ſubjects and I don't know, Cool, but the information you have given me, may do as much ſervice to mankind, as the redreſs of all theſe grievances would amount to.

Mr. Ogilvy died very ſoon after.

[No. 20.] Saltmarket, 1808.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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