Woman of the Century/Sarah Killgore Wertman

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2296176Woman of the Century — Sarah Killgore Wertman

WERTMAN, Mrs. Sarah Killgore, lawyer, born in Jefferson, Clinton county, Ind., 1st March, 1843. She received from her parents, David and Elizabeth Killgore, a liberal education. She was graduated in Ladoga Seminary in 1862. She then engaged in teaching school for a number of years. She next began the study of law, and attended the law school in Chicago, Ill., during 1869. SARAH KILLGORE WERTMAN. Michigan University just then admitted women, and, on account of the greater convenience it afforded her, she went there during 1870. She was the first woman law student in Michigan University, and the first woman graduate in law of that school, in 1871. She was the first woman admitted to the supreme court of Michigan. Soon after she was taken sick and was an invalid for more than a year. Her naturally fragile body was long in recovering strength. She became the wife of J. S. Wertman, a practicing attorney, of Indianapolis, Ind., 16th June, 1875. The statutes of Indiana required for admission to the bar "male citizens of good moral character," hence she was compelled to content herself with office work. In November, 1878, they changed their location to Ashland, Ohio. She has two living children, Shields K. and Helen M., and one baby, Clay, died in his infancy. For a number of years the higher duties of motherhood prevented her from actively engaging in her profession. As soon as practicable, she resumed her profession, and is now engaged with her husband in the practice of law and the business of abstracting in Ashland. She is a busy and successful woman, a con- secrated Christian and a devoted wife and mother.