Who's Who in the Far East/MUMM VON SCHWARZENSTEIN, Freiherr Phillip Alfons

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Who's Who in the Far East
MUMM VON SCHWARZENSTEIN, Freiherr Phillip Alfons
3630800Who's Who in the Far East — MUMM VON SCHWARZENSTEIN, Freiherr Phillip Alfons

MUMM VON SCHWARZENSTEIN, Freiherr Phillip Alfons (TOKYO), Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary for Germany; b. March 18, 1S59, at Frankfurt on the Main. Educ.: Universities of Goettingen, Heidelberg, Leipzig and Berlin; graduated at Goettingen, 1882. Was called to the Bar and practised law until 1885; appointed to Foreign Office by late Prince Bismarck, Aug., 1885; attached to Embassy at London, 1886; Embassy at Paris, 1887; passed diplomatic examination, Jan., 1888; Secretary to Legation at Washington, 1889; as Charge" d' Affaires concluded reciprocity treaty and copyright agreement, 1891; Secretary of Legation in Roumania (under the present Chancellor, Von Buelow), 1892-93; Councillor at Foreign Office, Berlin, 1894; Minister to Luxemburg, 1898; Minister on special mission to Washington in reference to Samoan Treaty, 1899; succeeded Baron von Kettler, who was killed by Boxers, as Minister at Peking, 1900; with Sir Ernest Satow, Baron Komura and other Ministers negotiated and signed the Protocol of Peace at the termination of the Boxer Rising, 1901; created Baron, Jan., 1903; was Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps at Peking, 1905-6; appointed Minister at Tokyo, March, 1906; assumed duties, May, 1906. Decorations: Numerous German and other orders. Address: German Legation, 14, Nagata-cho, Ichome, Tokyo, Japan.