Translation:To read Carlos Castaneda/16

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To read Carlos Castaneda
by Guillermo Marín Ruiz, translated from Spanish by Wikisource
1207970To read Carlos Castaneda — Glossary.WikisourceGuillermo Marín Ruiz


— STALKER: Who confronts the everyday world buffeting. The practitioner of controlled folly.

— STALKING: Consists of a specific behavior with people, behavior not normal or predetermined, systematically and continuously, to move the lace point.

— ADVERSARY: An enemy towards whom there are no personal feelings and who helps the apprentice in the knowledge pursuit.

— EAGLE: The indescribable force which is the origin of all conscious beings and everything that exists in the universe.

— ENERGY SAVING: Is the energy use rechanneling through impeccability.

— ALLY: A force that men can use to gain power; the ally is a nagual aspect.

— WARRIOR MOOD: Involves the control and, at the same time, the abandonment of all acts; is going without fear nor ambition and is a state generated by the Warrior through his impeccability.

— APPRENTICE: Man that changes the idea of the world and reality; who begins the Toltec knowledge path.

— KNOWLEDGE AREAS: first, what is known. Second, the unknown, but we can get to know. Third, the unknown we will ever come to know.

— STALKING ART: learn to go unnoticed in the midst of people.

— WARRIOR ART: achieve the delicate balance between fear and the wonder of life.

— WARRIOR ATTRIBUTES: Control, discipline, restraint; the ability to choose the right time and the intent.

— SWEEPING THE TONAL ISLAND: getting rid of "garbage" that through experiences are stored in our luminosity. It is placing tonal elements on the right side of the luminous egg. Is achieving impeccability in the tonal world.

— BENEFACTOR: Man of knowledge that helps and supports the apprentice in the nagual area.

— PERCEPTION BUBBLE: The Eagle emanations cluster found in the cocoon.

— PATH WITH HEART: A way of life that produces harmony and well-being.

— KNOWLEDGE PATH: Toltequity techniques and practices.

— WARRIOR PATH: strategy for sweeping the tonal island using certain techniques that try, through various means, of freeing the apprentice self-image and of what the world is; in short, shift the lace point.

— HUNTER: A person in search of knowledge; who can see the world in different ways.

— ABSTRACT CENTRES OF WITCHCRAFT HISTORIES: Spirit manifestations, the intent actions.

— WITCHES CYCLES: There are two: first, when they are human and power signals a task; the second is that in which the witch is no longer human, as is the case with Don Juan and Don Genaro when they return to prepare a new Toltec group.

— EAGLE COMMANDS: a "natural" force that determines the lace point of the first power ring.

— ENHANCED CONSCIOUSNESS: The higher consciousness level that a witch acquires and allows him to perceive and understand the world with greater clarity and depth.

— BEING CONSCIOUSNESS. The cocoon external luminosity emanations that intensify the internal emanations; external luminosity attracts the internal, catches and fixes it. The coccon glow. It is the point where the Cocoon energy emanations converge, the external (nagual) with the internal (tonal); This place is called "lace point".

— WARRIOR CONFIDENCE: Searching for own acts and feelings impeccability; this is called "humility".

— SILENT KNOWLEDGE: Is the intent, the spirit, the abstract.

— PHYSICAL BODY: Product of the first attention or tonal.

— LUMINOUS BODY: Product of the second attention or nagual.

— DETACHMENT: Knowing that cannot put fences to death, that is no use clinging to thoughts, feelings and objects.

— CONTROLLED FOLLY: That nothing important, is important; the art of separating from everything while being an integral part of everything. Controlled “fuck up” (as Don Juan said)

— WORLD DESCRIPTION: the way in which we learned to interpret tonal island elements from childhood, through people around us.

— SKIMMING: The ability to remove superfluous emanations, and select which of them should be emphasized.

— STOPPING INTERNAL DIALOGUE: Stop perceiving the world with our thoughts, shifting the lace point.

— STALKING DISPOSITIONS: Ruthless, shrewd, patient and nice.

— EAGLE GIFT: the lighting of all Eagle emanations inside the cocoon before death and instead of the eagle devouring consciousness, it finds freedom, total consciousness.

— FIRST POWER RING: Is perceiving the world through reason; It has to do with the tonal, the "right side" and the "true reality".

— EAGLE EMANATIONS: the energy contained in the nagual and the tonal and grouped in clusters and are infinite; there are 48 on Earth, of which we only perceive two, and 40 of them do not produce consciousness.

— KNOWLEDGE ENEMIES: fear, clarity, power, and time.

— HOOKING: Attracting a common man to become an apprentice.

— LESSONS RIGHT SIDE: techniques for sweeping the tonal island.

— LESSONS LEFT SIDE: techniques to move the lace point.

— DREAMER: Practitioner of the reverie technique.

— REVERIE: Move around at will the lace point during sleep and thus direct and control the dream.

— DREAM: Control of the small natural movement the lace point experiences during sleep; direct, interfere and control dream; this requires to be impeccable in the daily vigil.

— KNOWLEDGE STAGES: First when a rusty link is available and, therefore, unreliable. The second when manages to clean up the link. The third when he learns to handle it. The fourth when he learns to accept the abstract designs.

— WITCHES EXPLANATIONS: Taking consciousness of being a luminous being, an energy charge and that the world is also a conglomeration of energy charges; the man has a weak membrane that separates it from the other energy; that this membrane is composed of the "tonal island" and his world vision. That the membrane can be opened and join all other energy with his consciousness and then return to the island interior, of his membrane.

— INTERNAL FIRE: Is the lighting power or alignment of all Eagle emanations inside men cocoon.

— INTERNAL STRENGHT: Maintaining a sense of equanimity, indifference, calmness and looseness; be analytical and seek understanding: achieve "sobriety" in acts, thoughts and feelings.

— ROLLING FORCE: The Eagle emanations force responsible for distributing life and consciousness, and at the same time, removing them.

— VITAL FORCE: The inflexible solidarity of the innumerable individual consciousness, the mutual alliance of all the parts.

— CONSCIOUSNESS DEGREE: Pressure degree applied by the external emanations over the internal on the cocoon.

— WARRIOR: A Toltequity practitioner, immaculate hunter in search of power.

— BECOMING RESPONSIBLE: Becoming responsible for decisions made and being willing to die for each of them.

— COMMON MAN: Person who does not know his potential; person that only handles the first ring of power; who believes that can explain or change the unexplained and inflexible forces of the world; who hopes that humanity actions can explain and change these forces.

— LUMINOUS EGG. The cocoon which contains a small portion of the Eagle emanations.

— IMPECCABILITY: Energy saving; doing things the best way.

— PERSONAL IMPORTANCE: The exalted idea we have of ourselves and on which we spend much energy; having the lace point in the usual place.

— INTENSITY: The witches ability to perceive "everything" in an instant and at once. From intensity a witch can turn a second into eternity. INTENT: Move the lace point consciously, guide the will, intentionally guide the alignment energy.

— INFLEXIBLE INTENT: act that has to be made deliberately and which must be accurate and continuous. A determination, a clearly defined purpose force, which may not be cancelled by desires or conflicting interests.

— STRATEGIC INVENTORY: List of activities and interests; behavioral patterns that are not essential for the survival and well-being, but that are energy-intensive.

— TONAL ISLAND: the world vision of the apprentice, the reasonable part, everything we are and do in the everyday world, of "reality".

— LIFTING FROM LAND: Awareness of Earth; with its help can align other big Eagle emanation bands.

— WARRIOR FREEDOM: his impeccability.

— TOTAL FREEDOM: Awareness of human being wholeness; turning on all Eagle emanations existing within a cocoon.

— TEACHER: Man of knowledge which teaches techniques and procedures in the tonal area.

— POWER WALK: Technique that allows to go from internal dialog, as when the tonal loses its relationship with its description elements.

— WARRIOR GOAL: to become free.

— WATCH: Is to perceive the world through reason, such as objects and concepts.

— MEN MOLD: the emanations cluster in the big organic life band that fills the men cocoon interior and that seers can see without any danger; an energy pattern used to print the qualities of what we call "human".

— DEATH AS ADVISOR: Confronting our actions, thoughts and everyday feelings in the light of our impending death.

— NAGUAL: Is the part of ourselves that we never know; it is the area of the world and of ourselves where power lies; they are the Eagle emanations not aligned at the lace point.

— ENHANCED CONSCIOUSNESS LEVELS: Knowledge acquired in the nagual area.

— NOT DOING: Is not "consciously" responding to acts that make up our self-image; stop thinking, feeling and acting as we always do; stop doing the doing that makes the world as it is.

— NOT HAVING COMPASSION: Losing personal importance, the opposed to self-pity.

— STOP THE WORLD: The effort to "silence" our reason.

— KNOWLEDGE PATH STEPS: First, a common man becomes an apprentice. Second, when the apprentice changes the idea of himself and the world becoming a warrior (capable of maximum discipline and self-control). Third, after acquiring restraint and the ability to choose the right moment becomes a knowledge man. Fourth, when the knowledge man learns to "see" and becomes a seer.

— LOSING THE HUMAN FORM: Reaching a voluntary indifference state that is not negligence; feeling of remoteness to people actions; no longer having expectations; being deeply detached.

— LOSING IMPORTANCE: Not taking oneself too seriously, develop a sense of humility, realize that everything is equal and that one is equal to all.

— FUCKING TYRANT: An impossible person in a position of power.

— POWER: knowledge.

— PERSONAL POWER: Energy that humans do not apply to maintain the world such as concepts and objects, and is the knowledge sum the learner has achieved.

— WARRIORS PREDILECTION: The love for the land.

— PRESAGE: Circumstantial world element that favors a decision.

— FIRST ATTENTION: Is the animal consciousness that builds the immediate world, of the tonal, reason, the lace point usual place.

— STALKING ART PRINCIPLES: First, choose the battlefield. Second, remove everything necessary. Third, be willing to enter the battle at any time. Fourth, relax, forget yourself, not be afraid. Fifth, not to go with the flow; when cannot, should withdraw temporarily and deal with anything else. Sixth, compress time, not wasting a single moment. Seventh, never let your game be seen, do not take the lead in anything.

— EXISTENCE REASON: Enrich the being consciousness.

— RECAPITULATION: The technique of remembering one’s life, successively systematically, to relive events again.

— REMEMBER: Move the lace point to the place in which the event happened; in this way, remember with the body.

— STALKING ART RULES: First, everything around us is an unfathomable mystery. Second, we must try to decipher the mystery without hoping to succeed. Third, aware of the unfathomable mystery which surrounds us, take its rightful place as another mystery.

— SHELTER: what people do to deal with the world and in their life. For the warrior, a small and select number of things that protect him from the forces that he tries to use.

— BREAKING THE PERCEPTION BARRIER: Cancel the alignment that makes us perceive the everyday world, move the lace point at will and fixing it at another cocoon point to perceive another alignment.

— BREAK LIFE ROUTINES: Stop being one's self, a force or hunter's prey.

— LUMINOUS BEINGS SECRET: Knowing that they have a "Second Ring of Power", which is the will and that can be used.

— SECOND ATTENTION: Called the left side conscience, it concerns the nagual and comes from moving the lace point from its usual place.

— BEING INACCESSIBLE: Placing ourselves purposely within reach and, at the same time, out of reach around the road bent; not getting hooked to the "outside" world; not becoming voluntary partner to anyone; touching the world as little as possible.

— TECHNIQUES TO DELETE PERSONAL HISTORY: Losing self-importance, take responsibility and have death as a counselor.

— TECHNIQUES TO HELP REVERIE: Breaking life routines, the power walk and do not do.

— WARRIOR TEMPER: lies in being humble and efficient.

— THIRD ATTENTION: Is when the conscience glow becomes internal fire, when all the cocoon internal emanations are aligned with the external.

— TOLTEC: Man of knowledge. Seer.

— TONAL: Is the whole world made with reason, is the right side, reality. It is the energy that makes up the individual; there is an individual tonal and a time tonal or of epochs.

— SELF TONAL: Getting the first and second attention in a single unit.

— WARRIOR ADVANTAGE: Knows he cannot change, so he is never disappointed when failing in an attempt to change.

— SEE: The result of moving the lace point, is a different alignment to the "normal" that allows to see the world as energy.

— TRUTHS OF BEING SELF-CONSCIOUS: First, a world of objects does not exist but a universe of energy fields called "the Eagle emanations". Second, each being is constituted of a small portion of these emanations, wrapped in a cocoon. Third, the being consciousness is the cocoon glow produced by external emanations pressure on the internal. Fourth, consciousness allows perception (phenomenon that consists in internal emanations alignment with the external). Fifth, perception occurs due to the existence of a lace point that selects internal and external emanations to align them.

— IXTLÁN JOURNEY: Allegory of the journey that a warrior seeking knowledge must take.

— SEER: A warrior who has managed to consciously and continuously moves his lace point.

— WORLD VISION: perception of the tonal island elements.

— WILL: The energy that comes from emanations alignment, energy burst, blinding, impersonal, uninterrupted, that makes us act as we do; the force that allows us to perceive the world as we know it.