Thom's Irish Who's Who/Garraway, Lieut.-Col. Edward Charles Frederick

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Thom's Irish Who's Who
Garraway, Lieut.-Col. Edward Charles Frederick
3126068Thom's Irish Who's Who — Garraway, Lieut.-Col. Edward Charles Frederick

GARRAWAY, Lieut.-Col. Edward Charles Frederick, C.M.G. (1911), L.R.C.S.I. Educ. at Waterford Diocesan School, and at Trinity College, Dublin; served in Matabeleland, 1893-4 and 1897; in S. Africa, 1899-1902; was a Dist. Surg. Millwood, Kynsna, Cape Colony, 1888-91; Surg. Bechuanaland Border Police, 1892-4: Senior Surg. British S. Africa Police 1895-1900; Div. Med. Officer, S. Africa Constabulary, 1901-5; Principal Med. Officer, 1905-8; Military Secretary to Governor General and Com.-in-Chief, Union of S. Africa, with rank of Major, 1908-13; Member of S. Rhodesia Native Reserves Commission, 1914-15; appointed Resident Commissioner, Bechuanaland Protectorate 1915, and Basutoland, 1917, and Lieut.-Col. Comdg. Police there, 1916; eldest son of the late Col. Charles Sutton Garraway, of Rockshire, Ferrybank, Waterford b. 1865: m. 1905 Winifred Mary, eldest dau. of Thomas H. Harvey, of Blackbrook Grove, Fareham, Hants; cr. C.M.G., 1911. Res.: The Residence, Maserw, Basutoland; Rockshire, Waterford.