The Third International to the Workers of all Countries Concerning the Polish Question/To the International Proletariat

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To the International Proletariat.

Workers of all countries. Once again blood is being shed. Once again vast territories are being laid waste by war operations, once again the working masses of Russia hungering for peace, hungering to get on with their work of reconstructing their land from out of the ruins, are forced to take up the rifle. The war of capitalist and landlord Poland against Soviet Russia is causing an interruption in the constructive work which the workers and peasants of Russia have undertaken so soon as they have defeated the attacks of Kolchak, Denikin and Udenitch, so soon as they have liberated their land, their factories and their freedoms from the attacks of international capitalism.

Who is the instigator of these crimes. You are aware of the fact that Soviet Russia has recognised Poland's independance with the first day of the establishment of that Government. You know that Soviet Russia has made offers of peace negotiations to the Polish Government from the very first day of the establishment of the Polish Republic. You know, that anxious to save the blood of the workers and peasants of Russia and Poland, Soviet Russia was prepared to compromise with the polish landlords and capitalists and to make concessions of a political and economic character; that the Soviet Government is firmly convinced that the Polish workers, the allies of the Russian proletariat, will sooner or later take the government power into their own hands and remove every injustice and that in view of this the Soviet Government was prepared temporarily to hind over to the Polish ruling class such territories of the Russian Republic even the population of which is not Polish. You know that Soviet Russia was prepared to conduct peace negotiations not only at Warsaw, but even at Paris or London, the capitals of the governments closely connected with the Polish landlords and capitalists. Poland's reply to the Soviet proposal for a general armistice and for peace negotiations was an insidious attack upon the Ukraine, an attack led under the banner of the restitution of the power of Petlura, an adventurer, who sold himself in turns to the Allied capitalists and to German imperialism and who, repeatedly overthrown by the workers and peasants of the Ukraine has given himself to the disposal of the Polish landlords, these longstanding exploiters and oppressors of the Ukrainian people. Poland is carrying on a war for the purpose of robbing the Ukrainian peasants of their lands which is to be transferred to the Polish landlords. Poland is carrying on a war to lay a heavy indemnity upon defeated Soviet Russia, upon Russia ruined by the attacks of Allied capital. This is what Poland is fighting for!

But the Polish landlords and capitalists are not the only party guilty of this war. The governments of the Entente ate equally guilty. It is they who have armed and are arming White guard Poland. Conducting trade negotiations with Soviet Russia they at the same time have not given up the hope of breaking the power of the workers and Peasants of Russia. It is their have by means of trading with Soviet Russia to disorganise that country from within, but still more hopes are laid by a number of persons who form the composite government of the Entente upon the expectation that with the attack of some counter-revolutionary power against Worker Peasant Russia it will be possible with the assistance of these bands once more to harness the Russian proletariat and the Russian peasantry. The French capitalists have sent to Poland not only a vast quantity of armaments but they have also dispatched 600 officers with general Anri at the head, who are to assist the incapable Polish officers to lay waste to Soviet Russia. One firm remonstrance, a resolute word to Poland on the part of the British Government, a reminder that we had sufficient war and devastation and that Russia is universally needed as the source of corn and raw material—this alone would suffice to stem the tide of the war; but the Government of Lloyd George, which is sending notes to the Soviet Government, appealing to its humanitarian sentiments, demanding an amnesty for the Russian counter-revolutionaries of Archangel and the Crimea, never even thought of telling Poland that we had enough of bloodshed, enough of tears. The Polish bandits have promised the government of Lloyd George that with the defeat of the Ukraine they will supply it from that country with the requisite quantity of raw material and corn; and this was quite sufficient for the British Government whilst in the process of carrying on trade negotiations with Soviet Russia to untie at the same time the hands of white Poland and let her out upon a war against Soviet Russia. The Italian government of Nitti, in mortal fear before its revolutionary masses, avows its friendly feelings towards the Russian people, yet it had not courage openly to protest against the war of white-guard Poland but is sending her armaments through Austria. It is needless to add a word as regards the American Government. American airman are dropping bombs upon Ukrainian towns. The Governments of all the Allied countries are guilty of this war, by each supporting the Polish aggressor and robbers to a larger or lesser degree.

Workers of all countries! Soviet Russia will destroy the impudent bands of Polish imperialism just as she has destroyed those of Udenitch, Kolchak and Denikin whom your governments supported. Following the easy victories in the Ukraine the Poles will begin to feel the wrath of the workers and peasants of the whole of Russia, the wrath even of non-party circles who have finally learned to see in the Soviet Government the protector of the independance of a great country which having given freedom to all oppressed nations demands now that right which she herself has recognised even for the smallest peoples,—the right of arranging her life upon her own territory in accordance with the expressed will of the popular masses of Russia. The question is, how long will this war continue, how much more devastation will it bring, how many more wounds will it inflict upon the toiling Russian People. It depends upon you, workers of all countries, to put an end to this war in the shortest possible period by finally defeating the Polish capitalists and landlords.

Workers of the ammunition factories of France, England, Italy and America! Refuse to turn out for Poland a single bullet, a single rifle, a single cannon!

Transport Workers, Railwaymen, Dock laborers and sailors! Refuse to send Poland either ammunition or provisions for it is all to be thrown in the war against Worker Peasant Russia.

Workers of all countries. Get out into the Street, make demonstrations and strikes and let your war cry be: «Down with the hypocritical game of the Allied capitalists and Governments against Soviet Russia. Down with support to white guard Poland. The Allies should chain their dog—the Polish capitalists and landlords, and should themselves conclude an open peace with Soviet Russia».

Workers of Germany and Austria! You know that Soviet Russia is the pillar of the universal revolution, which alone can liberate you from the yoke of your own capitalists and of the noose thrown upon your necks by the treaties of Versailles and St. Germain. Railwaymen of Germany! Do not let trains pass from France into Poland. German port labourers at Dantzig! Refuse to unload steamers intended for Poland. Austrian Railwaymen. Not a single train should be let pass through Italy to Poland.

Workers of Roumania, Finland and Lettland! Your white governments bound by secret treaties with the Polish landlords are able to draw you into this war. Be on your guard, strain all your power to prevent this.

Workers of Poland. You who are tied with the Russian proletariat by the mutual thirty years struggle, little need we speak to you regarding your duties; you will fulfill them during the course of the war of the capitalists and landlords against Worker Peasant Russia by making demonstrations and calling strikes in the name of peace with Soviet Russia, by paying for your struggle with thousands of sacrifices, The IIIrd International amongst whose founders were your glorious leaders Rosa Luxembourg and Leo Tyczko, the Communist International is convinced that you wil now strain all your power to strike a blow in the rear of the army of white Poland by strong detachments, so as together with the Russian workers to gain a victory over the Polish landlords and capitalists. You know that Soviet Russia brings Poland not oppression but national freedom, emancipation from the chains of Allied capital and help in the struggle against their own capitalists. The victory of Worker Peasant Russia will be the victory of the Polish Proletariat the brother and ally of the Russian Workers and Peasants. To the attack, workers of Poland! Set out now upon your last fight, the day is approaching when we shall be the Judges!

Down with the Polish landlords and capitalists.

Long live Soviet Worker Peasant Russia.

Down with the war.

Long live peace between the toiling masses of Russia and Poland.

Down with the criminal game of the Allied Governments.

Long live the International Proletarian Revolution.

The Executive Committee of the
Communist International.

May 16ch. 1920.