The New Student's Reference Work/Vicksburg, Miss.

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1862789The New Student's Reference Work — Vicksburg, Miss.

Vicks′burg, Miss., county-seat of Warren County, on the Mississippi, about half way between Memphis and New Orleans. The city is built on terraces rising from the river, with streets narrow but well laid out. It has 20 miles of beautiful driveways, a magnificent military park of 1,400 acres and a national cemetery wherein repose 16,600 soldiers. Situated in the finest cotton-region of the country, it has a large trade in cotton and manufactories of cottonseed-oil and cake, cotton compresses, a dry dock, rolling-mills, foundries, machine shops and factories, which produce baskets, veneering and furniture. Vicksburg was fortified and guns were placed to command the river in the Civil War as early as January, 1861. It was unsuccessfully attacked by Farragut and also by Sherman in 1862, but on July 4, 1863, it surrendered to Grant. Population 20,814.