
The New International Encyclopædia/Vallgren, Villé

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1217335The New International Encyclopædia — Vallgren, Villé

VALLGREN, vȧl'grĕn, Villé. (1855—). A Finnish sculptor, born in Borgå, and long resident in Paris, whither he went in 1878, after studying architecture in the Helsingfors Polytechnic. He entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, studied under Cavalier, and gained much popularity by his fresh and distinguished style. His mirrors, figurines, lamp stands, urns, and candelabra rank him as one of the foremost modern decorative artists. Of his statues and portraits, several are in New York City in the Vanderbilt collection, notably “Death and Resurrection” and “A Breton Girl.” His works in Finland include a “Mariatta,” in the Imperial Castle, and a “Head of Christ” in the National Museum at Helsingfors. The marble group “Maternity,” in the Museum of Arras, and a bronze statuette, “Youth,” in the Berlin National Gallery, should also be mentioned.