The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Rees, Sir John D.

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1606112The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Rees, Sir John D.C. Hayavadana Rao

Rees, Sir John D., K.C.I E. (1910), C.V.O. (1908), C.I.E. (1890), J.P. for Middlesex, 1907; M.P. (U) East Division of Nottingham since 1912; Governor and Member of Council, University College, N. Wales, Aberystwyth; Fellow, University of Madras; b. 1854; e.s. of late Lodowick William Rees; m. Hon’ble Mary, 3rd daughter of General Sir James Dormer, K.C.B., 1891; educ: Cheltenham College; joined I.C.S.. 1875; Private Secretary to Sir M. Grant Duff, Lord Connemara, and Lord Wenlock, Governors of Madras; 1886-92; Tamil, Telugu, Persian and Hindustani Translator to Government of Madras; Russian Interpreter; on special duty with H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence during his visit and tour in the Madras Presidency, 1889-90; Resident, Travancore and Cochin; Additional Member, Imperial Legislative Council, India, 1890-95; retired, 1901; travelled extensively in Asia including Japan; Chairman. British Central Africa Co., Ltd.; Director, South Indian Railway Co., Ltd., Mysore Gold Mining Co. Ltd , Champion Reef Gold Mining Co., Ltd., Port Madryan (Argentina) Co., Ltd., Chubut Ry. Co., Ltd.; Kolar Power Co., Ltd., Bengal Dooars Ry. Co., Ltd., Oregum Gold Mining Co. Ltd.; British Columbia Fruit Farms Ltd.; Tati Concessions Ltd. M.P. (L) Montgomery Dt, 1906-10. Publications: Tours in India: Duke of Clarence in S. India; The Muhammudans; The Real India; Modern India. Address: Thames House, Queen Street Place, E.C. Clubs: Carlton, Travellers’, Bachelors’.