The Book of Scottish Song/The Covenanter's Lament

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2263115The Book of Scottish Song — The Covenanter's Lament1843Robert Allan

The Covenanter's Lament.

[Robert Allan.—Tune, "The Martyr's Grave."]

There's nae covenant now, lassie!
There's nae covenant now!
The solemn league and covenant
Are a' broken through!
There's nae Renwick now, lassie,
There's nae gude Cargill,
Nor holy Sabbath preaching
Upon the Martyr’s Hill!

It's naething but a sword, lassie!
A bluidy, bluidy ane;
Waving owre poor Scotland
For her rebellious sin.
Scotland's a' wrang, lassie,
Scotland's a' wrang—
Its neither to the hill nor glen,
Lassie, we daur gang.

The Martyr's Hill forsaken,
In summer's dusk, sae calm;
There's nae gathering now, lasie,
To sing the e'enin' psalm!
But the martyr's grave will rise, lassie,
Aboon the warrior's cairn;
An' the martyr soun' will sleep, lassie,
Aneath the waving fern!