Representative women of New England/Addie A. Nottage

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2344821Representative women of New England — Addie A. NottageMary H. Graves

ADDIE AUGUSTA NOTTAGE, who has been active in patriotic and charitable work for more than forty years, is a native of Boston and a graduate of the Hancock School in that city. Her maiden name was Kingsbury. She was born April 5, 1839, daughter of Daniel W. and Sylvia (Wild) Kingsbury. Her maternal grandparents were William and Sally (Thayer) Wild. On July 7, 1864, Addie A. Kingsbury was married to Josiah Marshall Nottage, a veteran of the Civil War. Mr. Nottage enlisted in the Eighth Massachusetts Battery. (Contracting a fever in the army, he was honorably discharged as an invalid, and in after life never fully regained his health. His <leath occurred September 13, 1894. Mr. Nottage was a member of John A. Hawes, No. 159, G. A. R., of East Boston. He was a son of Josiah and Tharce Lowd (Penniman) Nottage. His father was born in New Hampshire, and his mother in Braintree, Mass.

Mrs. Nottage has been active for a long time in the temperance cause. For fifteen years, beginning in her girlhood, she was identified with the Daughters of Rechab. This society, formed in March, 1845, in Boston, was the first organized movement of women for the promotion of temperance in Massachusetts. Its official title was "The Independent Order of the United Daughters of Rechab," and subordinate societies were termed "tents." Its motto was Temperance, Fortitude, Justice, and its principles were founded upon the thirty-fifth chapter of the Book of Jeremiah. While temperance was the leading principle of the order, its members were bound by the strongest ties of sisterly affection. To assist each other as "friends travelling together" was one of its objects. The society prospered for many years, and hundreds of tents were instituted throughout the country.

The Sons of Temperance and the Independent Order of Good Templars, formed a few years later, admitted women to membership and the Order of Rechabites decreased in numbers, many of its members feeling that more effective work couUl be accomplished in the organizations formed on a broader basis. Until a few years ago, however. State encampments of the Daughters of Rechab were held semi-annually in Boston, continuing their sessions three and four days. The presiding officer was called "Worthy Senior Matron," and the chaplain bore the title of "Encampment Shepherdess." Two tents in Boston, the North Star and Olive Branch, continued their work nearly forty years. Mrs. Nottage was Worthy Senior Matron of one of the Boston tents. She also joined the Sons of Temperance, and for twenty years was active in Neptune Division, No. 29, of Boston, filling all the prominent offices.

Mrs. Nottage is a Past Noble Lady of Hamlin Lodge, of Boston, Independent Order of Odd Ladies. She is deeply interested in the principles of Odd Fellowship, and is a Past Grand of Mary Washington Lodge, Daughters of Rebecca, Boston. The ritualistic work of the D. of R. is familiar to her, and she is often invited to participate in the ceremonies of other lodges. The Rebecca Merriam Lodge of Roxbury presented her a gold badge in appreciation of the impressive manner in which she delivered the address for the lodge.

It is in patriotic work, however, that Mrs. Nottage is most widely known. Every week for three years (1861-64) during the Civil War she assisted in the work carried on in Boston, under the leadership of Mrs. Harrison Gray Otis, of making garments and fur- nishing supplies for the soldiers, lii recognition of her services Mrs. Otis gave her a diploma. Mrs. Nottage was a regular visitor to the Sol- diers' Home on West Springfield Street, Bos- ton, and supplied its inmates with jellies and other delicacies. She attended, with the Rev. Phineas Stowe, the funeral services of all the men who died in the home. Her father pre- sented the flag that was used at the burial services.

Captain George W. Creasey, superintendent of the present Soldiers' Home in Chelsea, Mass., in his annual report for 1902 stated that the first State home, " or the first Soldiers' Home established for the care of the sick and disabled veterans of the war of the Rebellion, and where an appropriation was maLle by the State Legislature for its maintenance, was located in Massachusetts. Li May, 1862," he continued, "a Soldiers' Home organization was formed by a large number of philanthropic citizens of Boston and vicinity. The Rev. Phineas Stowe, a devoted friend of seamen, presented the fact of the destitute condition of some of the discharges! soldiers to the notice of a benevolent merchant, Daniel Tenney, Esq., who promptly granted the free use of a large warehouse, to be occupied as a home, and contributed a liberal sum of money for its maintenance.

"At the meeting m May, 1862, a constitution and set of by-laws were adopted, which provided the association should be conducted under the name of 'The Discharged Soldiers' Home,' and ' the design of the institution is to provide a comfortable home for such persons who are in need as have been honorably discharged from the army of the United States by reason of their sickness or wounds.' On July 4, 1862, the home was formally opened by religious services and appropriate addresses. "In July, 1863, the city of Boston granted the managers the use of a commodious building on Springfield Street, where the home continued in active operation until the spring of 1870. From its opening in 1862 to A]m, 1870, three thousand, seven hundred and forty- three soldiers were admitted. The State of Massachusetts appropriate<l in the aggregate eighty-five thousand dollars for its support, while thirty thousand, seven hundred and fifty- four dollars and twelve cents was contributed by citizens. The discontinuance of the home was determined upon after the transfer to the Togus Home in Maine of such members as were not credited to Massachusetts during the war.

Mrs. Nottage esteems it an honor to have been associated with work for this home, and also considers it a privilege to assist the present Soldiers' Home. She was identified with the first efforts in behalf of the Chelsea home, and aided Mrs. Sarah E. Fuller in raising money for gifts presented at its dedication in June, 1884.

Mrs. Nottage joined the Ladies' Aid Soci- ety connected with Joseph Hooker Post, No. 23, G. A. R., of East Boston. This society was one of the first associated with a Grand Army post. She was a charter member of Corps No. 3, organized October 12, 1883, as an auxiliary to John A. Hawes Post, No. 159, and has held all the corps offices. As a president, she was earnest and progressive.

She has participated in many department conventions, serving on conmiittees and as Chief Guard. During National Encampment week in Boston in 1890 she was a member of the information committee, and is a worker on the executive and other committees for the national convention in Boston the present year (1904). She has been a delegate to national conventions, and has served several years as a National Aide. For three years she rendered excellent service as a member of the Depart- ment Relief Committee. Mrs. Nottage has received an appointment as Dejjartment Special Aide from several Department Presidents, and her work is appreciated. Her heart is in this work, and she has visited himdreds of families where sickness antl poverty had cast their shallows, always leaving a ray of sunshine. With a sympathetic nature and practical busi- ness training, she is thoroughly atlapted to the work of relief, protecting the interests of the organization she represents while responding liberally to the appeals of worthy applicants.

Mrs. Nottage is an indefatigable worker for fairs in aid of church and charitable objects, being a woman of unusual executive ability. She is a member of the Independent Women Voters and of the Home Club of East Boston. She attends the Unitarian Church of East Boston, of which the Rev. Warren H. Cudworth was for many years the pastor. She has aided the enterprises of other churches, as she believes in doing good whenever and wlierever the opportunity presents itself.