Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3822/Epithets for Actors

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Punch, Volume 147, Issue 3822 (October 7th, 1914)
Epithets for Actors
4276460Punch, Volume 147, Issue 3822 (October 7th, 1914) — Epithets for Actors

The dramatic critic of The Daily Chronicle, speaking of the first performance of Mamcena, observes, "Mr. Oscar Asche, jutting, preponderant and softly corrugated, was a splendid Zulu chief."

Following this distinguished example, we have endeavoured to express the histrionic inwardness of some of our leading actors and actresses on similar lines:—

Sir George Alexander, dolicocephalic, fimbriated and supra-lapsarian, interpreted the role of the archdeacon with consummate skill.

Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, goliardic, tarantulated and pontostomatous, invested the character of the great financier with a fluorescent charm.

Mr. Ainley, prognathous, salicylic and partially oxydised, made a superb lover.

Miss Gladys Cooper, lambent, pyramidal and turturine, fully realized the polyphonic cajoleries of Seraphina.