Popular Science Monthly/Volume 53/September 1898/Publications Received

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Adams, C. J. The Matterhorn Head and other Poems. Rossville, Staten Island, New York: The Bureau of Biophilism. Pp. 20.

Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports. Michigan State Agricultural College: Elementary Science Series. No. 1. Beans and Peas before and after Sprouting; No. 2. Wheat and Buckwheat, ditto; Seeds of Clover and Timothy, ditto; Observations on the Leaves of Clovers at Different Times of the Day. All by W. J. Beal. Pp. 8 each; Report of the Botanical Department of Michigan State Agricultural College. By W. J. Beal. Pp. 24; Michigan Monthly Bureau of Vital Statistics, May, 1898. Pp. 20.—New Jersey: No. 120. Asparagus Rust. Pp. 20.—New York: Popular Editions of No. 139. Plant Lice; No. 140. Wood Ashes not an Apple-Scab Preventive; No. 141. Some Results in Stock Feeding. Pp. 6 each; Bulletin No. 142. Director's Report for 1897. Pp. 24.—United States Department of Agriculture: Farmer's Bulletin No. 74. Milk as Food. Pp. 40; Miscellaneous No. 1.5. Changes in the Rates of Charge of Railway and other Transportation Services. By H. C. Newcomb. Pp. 80.—West Virginia: No. 52. Strawberries. By L. C. Corbett. Pp. 24.

American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia. Record. Quarterly. Vol. IX. No. 2. June, 1898. Pp. 180. 50 cents; $2 a year.

Aveling, Eleanor Marx. History of the Commune of 1871. Translated from the French of Lissagaray. New York: International Publishing Company, 23 Duane Street. Pp. 500.

Baldwin, J. M. The Story of the Mind. (Library of Useful Stories.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 236. 40 cents.

Barnes, C. R. Plant Life, considered with Special Reference to Form and Function. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 478. $1.12.

Bulletins, Reports, and Proceedings. American Museum of Natural History: Memoirs, Anthropological. The Jesup North Pacific Expedition. Facial Paintings of the Indians of North British Columbia. By Franz Boas. Pp. 24, with 5 plates.—Baltimore Medical College: Annual Announcement and Catalogue, 1898-'99. Pp. 32.—Indiana: Report on Geology and Mineral Resources, 1897. Pp. 1197.—Johns Hopkins University: General Statements as to the Courses of Instruction. Pp. 20.—Minnesota: Botanical Studies. Conway MacMillan, State Botanist. Second Series. Part I. Pp. 68.—Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College: The Geological History of the Isthmus of Panama and Portions of Costa Rica. By Robert T. Hill. Pp. 140, with 13 plates.—Torrey Botanical Club: Bulletin. July, 1898. L. M. Underwood, Editor. Pp. 60. $2 a year.—Yale University Observatory: Report of the Managers for 1897-'98. Pp. 22.—United States Department of Labor: Bulletin. July, 1898. Economic Aspects of the Liquor Problem and other Subjects. Pp. 156.—United States Commissioner of Education: Report for 1896-'97. Pp. 1136.—University Geological Survey of Kansas: Vol. IV. Paleontology. Pp. 594, with plates.

Carus-Wilson, C. A. Electro-Dynamics. The Direct-Current Motor. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 298. $1.75.

Congdon, E. A. A Brief Course in Qualitative Analysis. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 62. 60 cents.

Detmer, Dr. W., and Moor, S. A. Practical Plant Physiology. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 535. $3.

Groos, Karl. The Play of Animals. Translated, with the author's co-operation, by Elizabeth L. Baldwin. With a Preface and Appendix by J. Mark Baldwin. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 341. $1.76.

Harris, Edith T. The Story of Rob Roy, by Sir Walter Scott, condensed for Home and School Reading. (Appletons' Home-Reading Books.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 306. 60 cents.

Keyser, L. S. News from the Birds. (Appletons' Home-Reading Books.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 229.

Mills, Wesley. The Nature and Development of Animal Intelligence. New York: The MacmiUan Company. Pp. 307. $2.

Mutual Boiler Insurance Company, Boston. Cost of Boiler-Room Labor. Bad Shoveling. Pp. 201.—Comparative Steam-making Values of Coals used in the Northeastern States. By R. S. Hale. Pp. 9.—Tests of Steam-pipe and Boiler Coverings. By C. L. Norton.

Overton, Frank. Applied Physiology, including the Effects of Alcohol and Narcotics. Primary Grade. Pp. 128.—Intermediate. Pp. 188.—Advanced. Pp. 432. American Book Company.

Pyle, Howard. The Divinity of Labor. (Commencement Address.) Wilmington, Del. Pp. 12.

Redway, Jacques W., and Hinman, Russell. Natural Advanced Geography. American Book Company. Pp. 160.

Reprints. Lyons, Florence M.: A Contribution to the Life History of Euphorbia Corollata. Pp. 8, with plates.—Hester, C. A., M. D.: The Pathology of Uræmic Intoxications. Pp. 20—Mercer, H. C: A New Investigation of Man's Antiquity at Trenton. Pp. 20.—Merck's Digest: No. 16. Tannalbin (astringent). Pp. 8; No. 18. Aqua Levico (alterant tonic). Pp. 4; No. 21. Ichthalbin (alterant, antiphlogistic, and assimilative). Pp. 8. Merck & Co., New York.—Rotch, A. L.: The International Aëronautic Conferences. Pp. 8.—Silenker, M. A., M. D.: Clinical Observations of a New Antipyretic. Pp. 4.—Smith, W. R.: A Contribution to the Life History of the Pontederiaceæ. Pp. 16, with plates.—Wadsworth, M. E.: Zirkelite. P. 1; The Elective System in Engineering Colleges. Pp. 39; Mineral Plates in Converging Polarized Light with the Petrological Microscope. Pp. 8; The Elective System in Technological Schools. Pp. 14; Some Statistics of Engineering Education. Pp. 24; The Michigan College of Mines. Pp. 16; The Origin and Mode of Occurrence of the Lake Superior Copper Deposits. Pp. 28.

Ripley, F. H., and Tapper, Thomas. A Short Course in Natural Music. Book I. Elementary. American Book Company. Pp. 144. 35 cents.

Troeger, J. N. Harold's Rambles. (Appletons' Home-Reading Books. Nature Study Readers.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 155. 40 cents.