Poems for Workers (Gomez 1925)/Caliban in the Coal Mines

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4419450Poems for Workers: An Anthology — Caliban in the Coal Mines1925Louis Untermeyer

Caliban in the Coal Mines


God, we don't like to complain—
We know that the mine is no lark—
But—there's the pools from the rain;
But—there's the cold and the dark.

God, You don't know what it is—
You, in Your well-lighted sky,
Watching the meteors whizz;
Warm, with the sun always by.

God, if You had but the moon,
Stuck in Your cap for a lamp,
Even You'd tire of it soon,
Down in the dark and the damp.

Nothing but blackness above,
And nothing that moves but the cars—
God, if You wish for our love,
Fling us a handful of stars!