Poems (Kimball)/The Vision in the Chalice

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4471839Poems — The Vision in the ChaliceHarriet McEwen Kimball

THE priest before the Altar
Stood with uplifted eyes,
His heart deep stirred within him,
To offer the sacrifice.

The morning's golden splendor
Through the chancel window streamed
Till like masses of precious jewels
The radiant colors seemed.

But around the central picture
Of the Christ upon the Rood
It shone like a wondrous halo
As the priest upgazing stood.

The prayer of consecration
Began he low and clear,
And at the mystic sentence
Bowed down in holy fear;

Bowed lowly over the Paten,
As he took in his hands the Bread
And likewise the mystic sentence
Over the Cup he said.

Hen lo! in the golden Chalice,
Distinct in the purple wine,
He saw reflected the image
Of the Crucified Form Divine.

Filled with a sudden tremor,
His eyes deep fixed on the sight,
Scarcely the prayer he followed
Or knew if he said it aright.

Trembling with adoration
He lifted the Chalice high,
As upholding the sacred Burden
Between the earth and the sky.

And still when the Chalice he lowered,
Distinct in the purple wine,
From the chancel windows reflected
He saw the Image Divine.

Did he hear in the hush that followed
The words of the Lord anew,
Brought down by the Church through the ages,
The mystical charge, "This do"?

Did he hear from the Holy of holies,
The secret, eternal shrine,
The Priest who is Priest forever
Renew the assurance divine?—

"Lo! I am with you alway,
Blessing the Cup float you bless;
Under the Bread you have broken
My Presence proclaim and confess.

Lo! I am with you alway,
Mine own command to fulfil;
I am the Sacrifice offered,
The Priest and the Victim still.

Lo! I am with you alway,
Feeding. the flock that you feed,
My Flesh the manna unfailing,
My Blood the drink indeed."

O blessed, O wondrous commission!
It seemed to the lowly priest
Like a precious new revelation,
As he shared with his flock float Feast.

And ever enshrined in his bosom
lie treasures with holy awe
The memory of the vision
That veiled in the Chalice he saw.