Poems (Kimball)/Good-by

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4472520Poems — Good-byHarriet McEwen Kimball
BID me Good-By! No sweeter salutation
      Can friendship claim;
Nor yet can any language any nation
      A sweeter frame.

It is not final; it forebodes no sorrow
      As some declare
Who born to fretting are so prone to borrow
      To-morrows share.

"Good-by" is but a prayer a benediction
      From lips sincere;
And breathed by thine it brings a sweet conviction
      That God will hear.

"Good-by!" Yes "God be with you;" prayer and blessing
      In simplest phrase;
Alike our need and His dear care confessing
      In all our ways.

However rare or frequent be our meeting,
      However nigh
The last long parting or the endless greeting,
      Bid me Good-By!