Page:Yiddish Tales.djvu/269

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And the sun shone into the room through the small window a white spot jumped around and kissed every- one there.

Is it the Spirit of Israel delighting in her young men and maidens and whispering in their ears: "What if it is Matzes-kneading, and what if it is Exile ? Only let us be all together, only let us all be merry !"

Or is it the Spring, transformed into a white patch of sunshine, in which all have equal share, and which has not forgotten to bring good news into the house of Gedalyeh the Matzeh-baker ?

A beautiful sun was preparing to set, and promised another fine day for the morrow.

"Ding-dong, gul-gul-gul-gul-gul-gul !"

It was the convent bells calling the Christians to con- fession !

All tongues were silenced round the tables at Gedalyeh the baker's.

A streak of vapor dimmed the sun, and gloomy thoughts settled down upon the hearts of the workers.

"Easter ! Their Easter is coming on !" and mothers' eyes sought their children.

The white patch of sunshine suddenly gave a terrified leap across the ceiling and vanished in a corner.

"Kik-kik, kik-rik, kik-rik," whispered the hot Matzes. Who is to know what they say ?

Who can tell, now that the Jews have baked this year's Matzes, how soon they will set about providing them with material for the next? "thoughts," and broken glass for the rolling-pins.