Page:Yiddish Tales.djvu/169

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Well, Senior Preparatory, there's nothing so terrible in that, for the boy has a head, I tell you ! You might

search an empire And what was the result?

Well, what do you suppose? Another two instead of a five, not in mathematics this time a fresh calamity ! His spelling is not what it should be. That is, he can spell all right, but he gets a bit mixed with the two Rus- sian e's. That is, he puts them in right enough, why shouldn't he? only not in their proper places. Well, there's a misfortune for you! I guess I won't find the way to Poltava fair if the child cannot put the e's where they belong ! When they brought the good news, she turned the town inside out; ran to the director, declared that the boy could do it; to prove it, let him be had up again ! They paid her as much attention as if she were last year's snow, put a two, and another sort of two, and a two with a dash! Call me nut- crackers, but there was a commotion. "Failed again !" say I to her. "And if so," say I, "what is to be done? Are we to commit suicide? A Jew," say I, "is used to that sort of thing," upon which she fired up and blazed away and stormed and scolded as only she can. But I let you off! He, poor child, was in a pitiable state. Talk of cruelty to animals ! Just think : the other boys in little white buttons, and not he ! I reason with him : "You little fool! What does it matter? Who ever heard of an examination at which everyone passed? Somebody must stay at home, mustn't they ? Then why not you? There's really nothing to make such a fuss about." My wife, overhearing, goes off into a fresh fury, and falls upon me. "A fine comforter you are,"