Page:Yiddish Tales.djvu/156

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very light, very, very light, and he gives a sigh a long, deep sigh and feels still lighter, and after that he feels nothing at all absolutely nothing at all Yes, he has an easy fast.

When Bare the beadle, a red-haired Jew with thick lips, came into the Shool in his socks with the worn- down heels, and saw Chayyim Chaikin leaning with his head back, and his eyes open, he was angry, thought Chayyim was dozing, and he began to grumble :

"He ought to be ashamed of himself reclining like that came here for a nap, did he ? Reb Chayyim, excuse me, Reb Chayyim ! "

But Chayyim Chaikin did not hear him.

The last rays of the Bun streamed in through the Shool window, right onto Chayyim Chaikin's quiet face with the black, shining, curly hair, the. black, bushy brows, the half-open, black, kindly eyes, and lit the dead, pale, still, hungry face through and through.

I told you how it would be: Chayyim Chaikin had an easy fast !