Page:Xenophon by Alexander Grant.djvu/72

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only as an account of what now occurred, but as an illustration of Xenophon's mode of procedure in the army; and also as an attempt to convey, as well as a translation can do this, some idea of his style of writing:—

Some also brought accusations against Xenophon, alleging that they had been beaten by him, and charging him with having behaved insolently. On this, Xenophon stood up and called on him who had spoken first to say where he had been beaten. He answered, "Where we were perishing with cold, and when the snow was deepest." Xenophon rejoined, "Come, come; in such severe weather as you mention, when provisions had failed, and we had not wine so much as to smell to,—when many were exhausted with fatigue, and the enemy were close behind,—if at such a time I behaved insolently, I acknowledge that I must be more vicious than an ass, which, they say, is too vicious to feel being tired. Tell us, however, why you were beaten. Did I ask you for anything, and beat you when you would not give it me? Did I ask anything back from you? Was I quarrelling about a love affair? Did I maltreat you in my cups?" As the man said that there was nothing of this kind, Xenophon asked him, Whether he was one of the heavy-armed troops? He answered "No." Whether he was a targeteer? He said he was "not that either, but a free man, who had been sent to drive a mule by his comrades." On this Xenophon recognised him, and asked him, "What! are you the man who was conveying the sick person?" "Ay, by Jupiter, I am," said he, "for you compelled me to do it, and you scattered about the baggage of my comrades." "The scattering," rejoined Xenophon, "was something in this way: I distributed it to others to carry, and ordered them to bring it to me again; and having got it back, I restored it all safe to you as soon as you had produced the man that I gave you in charge. But hear, all of