Page:World Stories-1922-08.djvu/130

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Nobody Wants Another Magazine BUT EVERYBODY Wants a Different Magazine WORLD FICTION Today's Best Stories From All The World Within the pages of this new and different magazine you enjoy in clear and dramatic translations the most vivid and thrilling stories that are being written in the whole wide world-the significant and typical stories that are characteristic and interpretive of each nation. THE SEPTEMBER NUMBER Elissa Rhaïs NOBLESSE OBLIGE A new and original handling of the eternal triangle from the Oriental viewpoint. A. P. Herbert THE LAST WAR A delightful remedy for stopping wars by Punch's great humorist. M. Artzybasheff AN OLD STORY The author of "Sanine" has portrayed in never-to-be-forgotten fashion a man's sacrifice on the altar of youthful folly. Gustav Wied WORLD FICTION Georg Hirshfeld A little comedy of a young mother's problems. Florence Hackett An Irish story. WHEN BABY WENT TO THE HOTEL A powerful story from the new Germany. Lian Hunt Luigi Pirandello THE OTHER SON Pirandello is being hailed in Europe as the most gifted Italian writer of the day. THE STREAL CHANGING PLACES Digitized by Google THE GIFT APE A thrilling story of Japanese revenge. Arcadie Avertchenko THE LITTLE BOY WHO WANTED TO DIE Georges Duhamel THE WRECK -and many others. Original from UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA