Page:Wittgenstein - Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 1922.djvu/210

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Things (See Objects)


and picturable, 3.001
and possible, 3.02
is demarcated by philosophy, 4.114
only uniform connexions are, 6.361


a priori, criterion of, 3.04
as a logical picture, 3
as method of projection, 3.11 (2)
contains possibility of a state of affairs, 3.02 (1)
disguised by language, 4.002(4)
expressed by signs, 3.1
form of, 4.002 (4)
how expressed in propositions, 3.2
is applied propositional sign, 3.5
is the significant proposition, 4


a form of objects, 2.0251
"passage" of, 6.3611 (i)
sequence of events in, 6.3611 (1, 2)
temporal objects unthinkable apart from, 2.0121 (4)

Totality of atomic facts, 2.05


and projection, 4.0141
as criterion for "what is common" to symbols, 3.343


and falsity, not coordinate relations, 4.061
concept of, explained, 4.063
concept of, Frege's account false, 4.431 (3)
its connexion with pictorial nature of proposition, 4.06
not a property, 6.111

Truth-arguments, elementary propositions are, 5.01


groups of, can be ordered in a series, 4.45
how expressed, 4.442 (4)
of propositions, and truth possibilities of elementary propositions, 4.41
symbolism for, 4.43
relation to truth-possibilities, 4.431 (1)


and truth-operations, 5.3 (2, 3)
are results of operations, 5.234
can be ordered in series, 5.1 (1)
general form of, 6 (1)
not material functions, 5.44 (1)
notations for, 3.3441
of two variables, itemized, 5.101 (1)
result from application of simultaneous denial, 5.5 (1)
the term introduced, 5.


and deducibility, 5.11, 5.12, 5.121
as measure of probability, 5.15, 5.151
defined, 5.101 (2)


and truth-functions, 5.3 (2, 3)
defined, 5.234


defined, 4.3
of combinations of elementary propositions, 4.28
schemata for, 4.31


depends on understanding elementary propositions, 4.411
of general propositions depends on understanding elementary propositions, 4.411
of names, 4.243
of propositions, 4.02, 4.024