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On gate, adv. anywise

Oo , n. wool

’Oor, n. hour

Oot-by, prep. outside

Ootcome, n. outcome, conclusion Outermaist, a. outermost

’Or, prep. before

Orra, u. occasional; odd; superfluous Orts, n. refuse; rubbish , Unterlius, n. outcast; reprobate Owercome, n. so erfluity ' Owergsun, v. and a. overflowing Owsen, n. oxen


Paction, n.'agreement; treaty; covenant Pang, a. pack closely

Park, 1:. an enclosure, especially if in grass Pasche, n. [puk] Passover

Pat, n. pot

Pawkie, a. sl ; cautious

Pawn, v. plejge ; risk

Pearlins, n. silk or other fine laces Perteen, v. pertain

Perfete, a. perfect

Pernickity, a. over-particular

Pickle, 7:. sample of grain ; a small quantity \

Pim, u. spool; bobbin (ir as English er in u perry 7!)

Pit, u. put

Pitten, putten, u. put Pluck, n. a small copper coin Plea, 11. case; argument Plenishin. n. furnishing Pleugh, v. [plew] to plough Pleuch, n. (gutt) n plough Ploy, n. a law-plea or suit Pock~puddin, 1:. “bag pudding." a con- temptuous term for a glutton Poind, v. distrain, confiscate Port, a. gate of entry Pooer, 7:. power Poortith, n. poverty Poother, n. ard th) powder Pouches, 1;. pockets, wallets Pourie, n. [poor’ee] a vessel with a spout for pouring Practeesu, v. [prac-tceze’] practise Free, 1;. to taste Freed, v. tasted Prentin, v. printing Prods, n. sharp points ; punctures Proddit, v. punctured Prui'e, n. proof Prufe-cnst. n. proof-coat; armour Pu', v. pull Pu'd, v. pulled Puddocks, n. frogs Puir, a. poor Pushion, n. [puzh'on] poison Pntten-aboot, v. agitated; troubled Pyat, n. magpie I.

Pyke, v. pirk ; dig out Pyne, v. and n. punish: sorrow, punish- ment, pain

Q. Qunisten, a. question Queru, n. a hand-millstone Qney, n. [quae] a. heifer Quat, v. quit, cease ; ceased. let go Quate, a. quiet. silent Quateness, n. quietness ; peace

R. Raul, a. real

Raise, 1:. mac

an-stam, a. thoughtless Rang, v. reigned

llax, v. stretch

llebute, v. rebuke

Rel-stie, reistie, «1. fractions, unwilling Red, 17. teach, counsel

Redd, v. to disentangle, put to rights Rede, n. lesson, advice

Reek, v. and n. smoke

Reive, v. plunder

Reiver, u. robber

Rewth, u. pity

Richt, a. and u. (gutt.) right Richtous, u. (gum) righteous Ri in, u. rno In

Rio 't, v. range round Rive. v. rend; n. a rent Roosin, 12. (hard a) praising Rouch, a. (gutL) rough Roust, n. rust

Row’t, 1). rolled

Rowth, n. abundance Runkle, v. and n. wrinkle Rung, n. stake, or club Rutit, v. rooted

Rype, v. to probe, to poke

Sa’, 11. salve

Ssb, v. and n. sub Sacrifeece, n. sacrifice Sad-breid, n. heavy, or unleavenetl bread Sair, a. sore, grievous Sairs, 11. injuries

Sairs, v serves, accomplishes Sal, 1;. shall

Sauna, 0. shall not

Sent, 1). save

Saul, n. soul

Saunt, n. saint

Saut, n. and a. salt Suntan, n. Satan

Sawed, v. sowed

Sawn, v. sown

Sax, a. six

Scaum, u. haze

Scaur, n. precipitous bank Schaw, v. show

Schew, v. [sheu] sew