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Dochter. n. (gutt.) daughter

Doitit, a. foolish, imbecile

Dolor, n. grief. sorrow

Donnert, a. stupid

Dooble, a. double

D001, 11. grief, woe

Doomster. u. an officer of the court who announces the sentence

Doon-gaun, n. and v. descent, descending

Doot, v. and n. doubt

Dootsomeness, 94. state of indecision ; hesi-

tancy Douce, a. [dame] respectable, quietly" haved Dour, a. [door] obstinate Dourness, n. obstinacy; reluctance Dow, doe, n. dove Dowg, 11. dog Downe, a. downcaet; sad Dree. v. sufler Dreid, v. and n. dread Drook, v. drench Drooth, drouth, n. thirst Droothie, drouthie, a. thirsty, dry Drucken. a. drunken Drumlie, a. discoloured or muddy (as water) Dune, v. done Dung, v. knocked down Dwaum, n. faint; trance Dwine, u. shrink ; fade away Dykit, 17. built a dyke round

E. Ear’, a. [air] early Een, n. eyes E’enin, n. evening Ee-eweet, a. sweet to the eyes Eident, a. frugal, prudent Eidol, n. idol Eild, n. old age Eithlie, adv. (soft ch) easily Efi'eck, n. and 1). effect Eftir, prep. after Eftirhauu, prep. afterwards Els, a. (hard 8) else ; already Eke, conj. also Emerant, n. emerald Eneuch. a. (gutt.) enough E-noo, adv. at the present Ettle, v. intend, attempt Ettlin. v. intending; attempting Even, 1:. compare

F. Fa', u. [fsw] fall. n. lot; portion Factor, 1;. agent, manager Faddom, n. fathom Fae, n. foe Fain, a. anxious; wishful Fa'in, v. and n. [fawin] falling Fell, a. heroic; admirable Fond, 1:. subsist

Fendin. n. necessa food

Fail, v. dwindle, faint

Fair fa’, intaj. well betide l

Fank, n. tangle ; knot

Farder, a. farther

F ardin, n. farthing

Fash, v. and n. trouble

Fauld, v. and 11. fold

Faun, v. fallen

Faund, 1!. found

Fawn-cot, v. fallen out, quarrelled

Fause, a. (soft a) false

Faut, n. and v. fault

Fecht, v. and n. (gutt.) fight

Feck, n. principal part

Feckless, a. useless ; without spirit or strength

Fee, 7:. wages, hire. reward

Ferlie, n. and v. wonder

Fesh, v. fetch

Fettle, n. condition, order

Firlot, 1|. fourth part of a " boll "; (about a bushel)

Fire-flaucht, n. (gutt.) lightning ; flash

Fit-bred, n. footstool

Fivver, n. fever

‘ Flaf’f, v. shake ofi ; flutter

Flauchtit, v. (gutt.) wafted Fleechin, v. persuading in a flattering way Fley’t, v. aflrighted

Flytin, u. and n. chiding; scolding Foggage. n. herbage

Foreworn, a. perjured

Fowrteen, a. fourteen

Forby, prep. besides

Forrit, adv. forward

Forritsome, a. forward Forssmuckle, conj. forasmuch Forehears, 1:. parents; ancestors Forfouchten, a. (gutt.) exhausted Fornent, prep. opposite ; in front of Forgather, 1). meet together Forgien, v. forgiven

Forlyin, n. adultery

Forpet, n. fourth part of a peck Forwander, v. stray away

Free, prep. from

Frappin. v. frapping ; undergirding a ship Freend, n. friend

Fremd, a. strange; alien

Frute, n. fruit

Frutins, n. fruitiugs. crops

Fu’, fou, a. full, drunk

Fushionless, a. pithlesa, weak Fyfieen, a. fifteen

Fyve, a. five

Fyle, v. defile

G. Gaberlunzie. n. a licensed beggar Gae, 1:. go Quad, 1:. went Gaird, n. and v. guard Gene, 0. gene
